To Vaccinate or Not---The Rat Flu Odyssey Continues
Neighbor kid, (12yrs 3x vaxed and healthy), has had a rough bout of long Covid. Family got Covid right about New Years and the poor kid can’t make it 100yards from the front door without falling to the ground. No school, sports friends…just sucks! Host of symptoms too!
I got the 3rd in early November. Wife and one kid had Covid in February. I stayed away from them but likely had some direct exposure before they went down. It would be nice to see some studies that show if severe disease rises after the third at some point. ( maybe there are and I just don’t know!) If that happens I’ll be in the shot line again. Does anyone know of b and T cell immunity is boosted with a fourth boost? And to be honest I Haven’t a fucking clue what those things are but med and science folks seem to think that’s important. Is there any data showing the 4th boost of antibodies will help? Really have no clue.
Anyone else round here have asthma? I’ve been told Covid doesn’t usually hit the part of the lungs asthma affects. Only real risk factor in my family.