Yeah, it's weird because his chart illustrates the base rate fallacy and yet he preceded the graphics with the word 'nope' so who knows maybe he likes the pretty pictures but doesn't know what it means.
In case anyone cares about RJ's misleading use of data: The more vaccinated a population, the more we’ll hear of the vaccinated getting infected.
For example, say there’s a community that’s 100% vaccinated. If there’s transmission, we know breakthrough cases will happen. So, by definition, 100% of outbreak cases will be among the vaccinated. It will just be 100% out of a smaller number.
Cue Israel. They are one of the global leaders in vaccinations; 85% of Israeli adults are vaccinated. So, say we have the following scenario: With an infection rate among the vaccinated of 2% and infection rate of 13% among the unvaccinated, this would give us an efficacy rate of 85%. This is pretty darn close to the clinical trial efficacy rate, meaning the Pfizer vaccine is still working against Delta.