with nail polish?
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boost Two yesterday -
I'll aim for boost Three in October.
Maybe by then they'll have something with better omicron protection ( Or another variant ) and an intranasal vaccine with better transmission protection.
Still going to be Cautious
( This old man has too many significant Risk factors ) --
still think we need to be doing better with boosters
( there are rumblings of a surge - Maybe associated with Easter travel )
get your booster -- tj
That’s my thinking. 6 months from now it will be October and I will get boosted again just in time for the winter wave.
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Hmmm. I was sorta looking at it that way, but more from a vaccination fatigue point of view. Don't get me wrong. I get my flu shot every year. I also wonder if I'm taking it unnecessarily as I probably had COVID recently, as well as a good chance I had OG COVID-19. I'll probably never be able to prove either. I gave blood last week but it sounds like they aren't always applying the protocols to weed out natural infection from the vaccinations?
Speaking of the Red Cross, I realized I could check the app for results.
"The Red Cross is also testing donations for antibodies to the SARS coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes COVID-19, using the Ortho VITROS® Anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG Quantitative test. "
Result is Reactive+. Woohoo!
What does it mean?
"Reactive+ test result: Antibody levels were detected at levels high enough that your plasma may be used as convalescent plasma."
So does that mean I had it? Does a vaxx put you in the convalescent plasma category? I didn't think it did. My booster was in October. My kid had it late December. My wife had it early February. I didn't test positive on at home or PCR either time. And no symptoms.
We've been over this a few times, but the test for "convalescent plasma" is measuring Spike antibodies, which can come EITHER from vaccination OR infection. Reactive+ means you still have a high enough level that would be beneficial if they were harvesting your blood for the "convalescent plasma."
If you want to know if you "were infected at some time..." then you'd want a test that was specific for picking up Sars Nucleoprotein antibodies, since none of the vaccines (except the chinese live attenuated vax's) have the N protein in them.Quote:
The Red Cross is using the Ortho VITROS® Anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG Quantitative Test that is available through FDA Emergency Use Authorization. This test is specific to COVID-19, to detect antibodies either from past exposure to the virus, regardless of whether an individual experienced symptoms, or from having received a COVID-19 vaccine.
Apparently the BA-2 variant of omicron has 2 new sub variants which are dominant in NY state. And even more contagious than original BA-2, which is more contagious than omicron, which is more contagious than delta, which is more contagious than original. Seems like at some point there will be a variant that will instantly infect the entire world, and the pandemic will be over.
Somewhere between chickenpox and measles...
damn- thought maybe I'd be able to skip the shingles vaccine since I got shingles a couple years ago (at a young age due the onset of my house renovation which coincided with covid shutdowns. guess I was stressed)
anyhow just googled and it looks like they recommend it even if you've had it prior.
Hope you are feeling better
Thanks. I am. Better that 24 hours of mild suck than shingles!
FDA just approved (under EUA) a covid breathalyzer with about 91% sensitivity, 100% specificity. Prepare to see these everywhere, soon. Replacing the absolutely ridiculous and useless temperature scanners. In all honesty, a point of care covid test of this type would be kinda nice in the clinic/urgent care/ED setting.
Attachment 413157
i knew i kept those avalung nose clips fer a reason
a lil of both
i wussed on my shingles vax at my physical last month and took tetnus instead
i need to go do my second booster and shingles
that kook pondo did a booster and shingles vax in one arm
and the pneumonias in the other in one visit
Had booster 4 yesterday (Pfizer, Pfizer, Moderna, Pfizer). Waking up with slight headache but not the same hangover as the Moderna booster. And nowhere near as bad as shingles 1.
My first 3 shots have been Pfizer. Do I try to get a Moderna for second booster?
I need to get the Shingles vax. I'm 52.5. the pharmacy keeps bugging me to get it. I don't see the doc until June. I thought the age was 55, did they lower it?
They must have, at some point: https://www.cdc.gov/shingles/multime...sheet-hcp.html
I got it *immediately* after turning 50. Mainly because I'm a wuss and the shingles sound positively AWFUL.
Maybe I can get my doc to give me pcp?
Always worth a shot?
Read today in the Medical Board bulletin about a California doc who got her license suspended for writing fake vaccine exemptions. Made me smile.
Anne Adams, Fair Oaks CA. She's an OB-Gyn.
Thanks. I wish it was more than a suspension. I believe there’s a physician with an office in colfax doing the same.
You can report them to the Medical Board yourself if you have any evidence at all. And the board is not particularly friendly to doctors when it comes to finding them guilty although relatively lenient when it comes to imposing penalties. Technically Adam's penalty was her license was revoked but the ruling was stayed--not imposed as long as she complies with certain conditions--including not writing any more exemptions, and she's on probation.
Well crap its a holiday so my choices are E/R or Urgent Care.
Here goes.
Was scheduled for a Colonoscopy last Tuesday (12th). Made the appointment the previous Thursday (7th) after my GI Doc had a cancellation. Started feeling a little punky Thursday night (7th) but not terrible. (3x vaxxed Pfizer).
Went in on Tuesday and had the procedure, didn't feel any worse and maybe even better in terms of punkiness. Oscopy went well, nothing bad found, went home.
Next day still not hungry, very noisy belly. Could not keep anything in, water or soup blew right through me. Fatigue, no fever. Same on Thursday so went back in, blood draw showed normal white count and nothing out of the ordinary. Doc said give it a day. Friday (yesterday) still same, doc ordered belly pictures. No perforations or obstructions. Said give it a bit more time. Last night sucked. Noisy, liquid and then gassy. Belly now quiet, still no energy, no appetite.
I am thinking maybe Covid? Going to local Pharm for rapid test.
Would the original blood draw still be available to test for anti-bodies or infection?
What say any of you wannabe or real TGR docs?
Do a home test?
As far as the blood test, probably not available. In a hospital inpatient lab you can usually order more blood tests on a saved specimen the same day but not later. And blood for a CBC would be in a different tube than an antibody test or a blood culture. Good idea to get the covid test, but not my first guess.
Apparently a lot of norovirus going around. That's the GI bug that's particularly common on cruise ships. Are you keeping anything down yet. Just stick to clear liquids--water, soda, clear broth--until you're feeling better. Then start with simple carbs--like dry toast. Don't take anything to stop the diarrhea--the diarrhea is the body's way to get rid of the bug.
Make sure your GI doc knows about your symptoms. Colonoscopes are very difficult to sterilize even with proper techniques. He will want to know that you might have had an intestinal infection at the time you were scoped.
If anything I said disagrees with your doctor, listen to your doctor.
Hope you're feeling better soon.
Thanks OG I thought about getting some Imodium and discarded it for the reasons you cited.
Belly is a bit quieter today. I figure it was just my time in the barrel.