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The political extremes here really aren't even that far apart. Of course they're all incompetent bumblies; we can all agree on that. However, Canadian conservatives would be moderate Americans; Canadian moderates would be leftist/liberal Americans and Canadian progressives/liberals would be quite fring e by American standards with the difference being that there would be a lot of Canadian progressive/liberals while there simply wouldn't be very many of the American fringe (by definition).
From my experience with other OECD countries Canada is fairly typical. My theory is that a multi party system allows many groups to express views and attain power. Conversely, the US twin party system leads to military-financial-entrenched interest group capture.
Bottom line is that the prevailing civic and cultural Canadian ethos is why can't we all get along with the downside being that those who stand out get tut-tutted. Sure the Canadian media feeds us garbage as does government as does entrenched power blocs. However the extremes aren't there or, to the extent, they're there they're ignored as being irrelevant. Hence Covidiots like panodude are viewed through a lense of pity and/or disgust but their views are vastly in the minority.
Sorry...And hope that helps