Those 600K didnt just die , somebody had to fuck up
keeping the fuck ups down there will happen for a bit more
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Those 600K didnt just die , somebody had to fuck up
keeping the fuck ups down there will happen for a bit more
My point is that we're talking about a virus here. What happened in the past isn't really relevant. What matters now is the current case count and how many people have immunity. The U.S. still has more active cases per capita than Canada, but not by a whole lot. We've got more people vaccinated, but Canada is catching up quickly.
Just got my second shot.
Walked in two minutes before my appointment. Sexxy nurse #1 (redhead) took my name and checked it off the list. I was asked to sit down. Once my butt hits the seat, my name is called. Sexxxy nurse #2 (brunette) asks me to sit down on the plush leather and asks me what I prefer. Unfortunately, it's not RN 1 or 2, she means which arm. Left, I guess. She gives me my jab and shows me to the waiting room, and fetches me a glass of water. I can chill there as long as I like, but I have to get back on here to let you all know about the sexxxy nurses so I polish off the glass and leave.
On my way home, my partner lets me know that the nutritionist is on their way over to do a fucking housecall. And people say the healthcare system here sucks. In NY I would still be putting my name on the nth copy of some useless form hoping I didn't get a bill for $1200 down the road, that would invariably get sent to a past address and turned over to collections.
God save the Queen and the sexxxy nurse regime!
ETA: do you think the tourism numbers picked up between 2018 and the pandemic?
His point was the USA suffers from an image problem due to the pandemic, while clearly it predates that (linked article has a snappy chart)
and yer gona get passed due to covid deniers & anti vaxers who are people we don't trust along with the rugged individualists exercising their freedums
you sound like my buddy complaining about how his ex wife was always bring up some thing that happened 2 years prior,
so what if he had slept with another woman ?
Delta is on the rise everywhere Canada included, per a 1 click google it accounts for 31% of cases in BC and 42% in Ontario, vs. 26% in the US. Delta (and Gamma) gunning down Alpha.
On this side of the border my state is now 68% vaxxed 12+, my hood >85%. Why would we want to go to CA where the vax rates are sooo much lower?
I don't get some of the angst about being told to stay out. Every country can do whatever the fuck they want when it comes to allowing others in the country. Yurp is opening, so go there if the travel bug is biting your ass. Until there are verifiable vaccination records available, I agree in not letting people in. I am surprised countries do so just to get tourist $$$, especially in light of the Delta variant.
Consider that many of us live an hour or two from the border and used to drive to Canada frequently. With a Nexus card we usually had to stop at the border for a couple cars wait then we were on our way. The angst is not being able to do something that we took for granted previously. It's a bit different than flying to Europe.
I think there is more to this Covid story to come and keeping borders closed may be a smart thing to do when your neighbors are often anti vaxing dumb fucks. Sorry for the inconvenience :rolleyes:
Exactly. And this is something that is a part of the cultural export of the US for many years, the assumption that by waving a couple greenbacks you can get 99% of what you want from the world, and the other 1% you can just take. But now the ugly underbelly of the US has been exposed by the previous admin, with more than twice the population of Canada actually voting to keep that asshole in office, with a similar demographic being completely moronic about their approach to dealing with this pandemic. Maybe it would be advisable to take that pent up energy you wish to expend here, both money and effort, and instead of trying to regain false entitlements, you use them to clean your house a bit. Just a thought.
Not trying to throw stones here - we have been forced to face some of our own past demons in recent weeks, but until the science advisors to our leaders indicate opening the border is an acceptable risk, you are not likely to sway us with emotional pleas based on entitlement. Even here, most vote with their heart rather than their head, and no governing politician in their right mind is going to jeopardize their seat to allow you to get your rocks off in our wonderful front and backcountry if that is giving the locals the heebyjeebies.
See what you did now? You got me ignoring my own advise. The heat must be getting to me.
you could just call in an airstrike ?
Its funny how so many in here dont get it, especially with the reasons being pretty much in their posts. Major whoosh factor happening
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Do you think many of us haven't tried? What exactly are we supposed to do that we haven't already done? These morans are pretty much impervious to reason.
By the way, that free border crossing entitlement cut both ways. Canadians and American were both equally accustomed to crossing the border at will. The only difference now is that Canadians can (if willing to quarantine on return to Canada) and Americans cannot. I don't think you guys quite appreciate that who are on the winning side of that equation.
I guess we trust them to do the right thing more than they trust the USA? Hmmmm...
If reason won't work, then treat em like any other banana republic the US wishes to influence - send in the spooks and get them to eat themselves from the inside out.
Well, that's just you reaping what you sow with those cultural exports ;) I get it however, I have relatives in the lower mainland that are exactly that kind of Canuck you are pointing at saying 'It's not fair - they are getting the privilege we are not!'. I don't get along so well with them either, especially when I call them on their duplicitous bullshit.
A lot of latent (or not) resentment toward the U.S. coming out in this thread. It seems a little unfairly ugly if you ask me.
Gee i wonder why?.....
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I think a few of us are having fun at your expense. Don't take it personally. Patience Grasshopper, by August/September we will hopefully be able to travel to Canada again.
well 33 pages of taking the piss out has been kinda fun eH
Every American in this thread has simply been living their life and trying to get by in the last year and half just like the Canadians have. I'll bet we're all vaccinated, too. We'd like to get back to normalcy.
Dear US, its not you, its me. Sorry
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This border closure issue fascinates me, and not just the US/Canada border but the larger question of whether countries should close borders to try to stop the spread of disease. I think it is a slippery slope, particularly with the rise of nationalism in the world. In the next pandemic, rather than work together, I see countries shutting the gate with an everyone for themselves attitude. I see this sentiment spreading into immigration laws as well (I'm in favor of free movement of labor in the world, and don't like borders in general).
I opposed the US closing borders in the beginning of the pandemic, just like the US Democrats did before they realized that wasn't the politically popular choice. As Mofro points out, delta variant has spread throughout Canada despite the closure. I always thought of Canada, and specifically, Vancouver, BC, as one of the great liberal, progressive cities of earth. I naively assumed they would share my sentiment but posters on TGR (with the polls to back their claims) have changed my view of the city and Canada in general.
With Trump permanently damaging America's position of leadership in the world, and Europe still recovering from Brexit, other countries will look to Canada, and not the US, for guidance during the next pandemic and world crisis. Keeping borders open does not mean ignore science. You can still take other steps to try to curb the spread of disease while emphasizing we are all humans on this planet and should be working together.
^^^^All that is fine for refugees, but tourists can wait until shit is sorted out IMO.
No world leader in their right mind will look to Canada for leadership in a crisis. Justin Trudeau did not inherit even a fraction of the intelligence of his father and JT has had more ethics violations than any Prime Minister in modern Canadian history. He lacks good judgement and is not held in high esteem by many if any world leaders.
OTOH Joe Biden doesn't inspire confidence and seems lost without his cue cards.
However, Ivanka wants to fuck him silly, so that’s gotta count for something, right?
Thanks. I guess my mistake was 2 clicks. Given US at 3 cases/100,00 and Canada at 2, and Delta being essentially the same the chance of a Canadian getting sick from encountering an American is the same as the risk from encountering another Canadian. The number of Americans visiting Canada in a normal year is enough to raise the population of Canada a bit, so that increases the risk slightly. From an epidemiological standpoint closing the border, requiring quarantine of Canadians returning from the US, etc, makes little sense. Canada has chosen to take a more cautious approach--witness the Stanley Cup attendance--which is their right, but it's a political decision, not a science based one.
We saw the same entry bans between states, counties, etc within the US in the early days of the pandemic, restrictions on how far you could drive, etc. It didn't make much sense then and it doesn't now. But in times of danger fear of outsiders goes way way up.
The history of pandemics is the history of bacteria and viruses freely crossing borders, regardless of whether or not people do.
disagree OG. much like the decision to close lagged behind science, so too does reopening because first you need to convince everyone of the best tactic and then follow through politically. complete normal. i’d argue the rules in place now make sense, just for six months to a year ago. what we know tomorrow will make our decisions foolish today so this is still just a lot of handwringing over the border which is going to open pretty soon, lagging behind the science yet again just a bit.
eta: closing up shop like NZ did absolutely prevents the history of viruses becoming the history of your country, if that’s possible. i mean, the entire world was pretty germ free before it was forced to ‘open up’.
Wut!? Limiting the spread of peoples doesnt limit the spread of virus'? Thats some advanced science i may need to read up on
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The open hate or dislike of America bothered me in my early thirties. Traveling and staying a bit at hostels and getting drunk with other morons who would tell me what idiots we were...most of whom had never been and didn't plan to travel to Merica. I'd try to defend Merica then, but as time rolled on I realized they were right and I was wrong. Somehow that outside lens had better eyes than my own.
I think Canada is just treating us like we deserve to be treated. Tasting that medicine hurts maybe. But we live in a place on the verge of going full shithole country. I wouldn't let us in either
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Ya until you add more infected people to the mix in greater density. We're happy being spread out, thanks. The town is so nice when its sleepy. Lots of space atm.Quite comforting until things are more contained.
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Maybe you should hang with a different crowd. I know lots of Canadians that love America and wish we were like the US in more ways. No - they are not right and you wrong. They are jealous and conceited and arrogant pricks that like to nitpick the speck in someone else's eye.
America is a shining light in this world. For all its foibles and problems, America is an AMAZING nation. Spit that medicine out and hold your head up. We Canadian's would not exist peacefully on this planet if it wasn't for our good neighbor. America is a passionate diverse fair country. All to be proud of. FLY THAT FLAG and sing that song.
PS - Dear Canadians. Are you proud of Canada? Well it looks a lot like you are projecting. Get your pride back and then you will see, America is a much greater place than you imagined.
Ugly is a good dood like a lot are south of the 48. I think you just freaked him out to the level of a backwoods alabama bbq. Snakes, sparklers and carbon rotors baby!!
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Everything carbon. That's my motto.