Haaaaaa looking like my appraisal was spot fkn on! #freedumbfromtheelites
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Haaaaaa looking like my appraisal was spot fkn on! #freedumbfromtheelites
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I wouldn’t be talking to a family physician about this anyway, I’ve only sought advice from a few local docs who are more experts in functional
Medicine and immunology. I talked to a big hospital general practice doc a few months ago and he couldn’t give me shit for info on why I should get it other than the standard talking points, “safe and effective”
Anyway, I still don’t see the point, the more data that comes out the more it looks like my natural immunity is better than that of the vaccinated anyway. Which is consistent with other viruses.
you don’t see the point because you are looking at the wrong problem
the problem is throughput of our medical system
stop over analyzing
Youre a moron that will believe anything that supports your misguided want to do whatever the f you want, facts be damned
I have about 5 stations on my tv and non of them are cnn or msnbc so im not really up to date on what goes on there but im sure its an f of a lot closer to reality than the fox news bs that you'd spout as truth if you thought it would allow you to do whatever the fuck you wanted to and make stoopid claims of being some type of intellectual "health nerd". So far all i see is the flashing moron light in full high beam. Its just more laughable when youre willfully ignorant to that obvious fact, so please carry on with the knee slappers bud
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Hey look everyone, it's the root of our collective problem!
Convince me natural immunity isn’t as if not more sufficient. Please.
*Shrug* ok!
I haven’t watched Fox News in years, anyway, it’s not about doing what I want, bitch I was wearing masks last year before we had good days on masks when this first hit my county and everyone was looking at me like I was crazy. Though it’s a non issue, your freedom is more important than my safety anyway, if I want to be safe that’s my responsibility.
Anyway, nice job making literally no point, just wait for the next fear porn talking point, jump on that 100% and forget about this.
*Shrug* ok!
https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7032e1.htm[/QUOTE]Hey spanky98 ,wheres your rebuttal to Hdoc? Come on kid enlighten us some more
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Hahaha isn’t this the one the CDC admitted was an “honest mistake”? And wrote 5 limitations of the study.
And you complain that a few of the shit ton of studies I showed weren’t peer reviewed? 😂
They even say “findings cannot be used to infer causation”..
And acknowledge that test seeking behaviour may skew the findings to exaggerate vaccine effectiveness, as vaccinated people are probably less likely to get tested.
The study also doesn’t include symptom data so we don’t know whether the reinfections were actual disease or just asymptomatic, mild infections of the kind that are just the immune system working. Hence the importance of measuring hospitalization and serious cases.
Especially that the benefits of natural immunity are most noticed long term and in new variants, which is exactly why it’s doing so much better against Delta. And Phizer has a shit effectiveness of 42%
What exactly is your point, Scandy? Is it only that natural immunity is better than the vaccine? Even if that's true do you think people who have never had Covid should get vaccinated? With closing in on six billion shots administered are you willing to admit that the vaccines are safe?
I've noticed that these people usually don't really have a point. They just like to argue and tell others they are wrong. And if you try to suggest otherwise they shout "BIG PHARMA," "CNN," "UNDERLYING CONDITIONS" until they're blue in the face.
If his natural immunity is better than being vaccinated, then he could easily become super-immune by getting vaxxed as well. No-brainer if you ask me.
More on-topic, Canada could be in such good shape right now if it weren't for Alberta. Do they still want to separate?
Goddamnit, Alberta. You're ruining everything!
Attachment 385471
Smithers is a northern & provincial covid hotspot after a rodeo and the telkwa BBQ
I think its the antivax christian/ conservative & red neck christian/ rugged individualists/thro in some itinerent pipeline workers
Not really up to speed on the situ completely cuz I been out in the bush biking for a week but I started keeping low profile almost 2 weeks ago and will continue to do so, I think it might be deeply dividing the town
I heard 1 person died
Well it doesn't help that the public messaging is unclear or inconsistent: https://www.theatlantic.com/health/a...eading/620062/
I think most of the confusion can be chalked up to incompetence on many fronts. What should be universally agreed to is that you need to take care of your health and do your part to not make the problem worse. Good luck getting any consensus regarding how to achieve that.
This thread took a turn for the douche. Wasn't this already discussed. There are studies both ways but the difference if positive was tiny like 2-3%. Can't remember the studies that showed other way but there did seem to be more of them. Ok I can see theoretically natural should be better as anti bodies will also be in mucus your first line of defense and there will also be antibodies to other parts of the virus other than just the one spike protein and therefore be slightly better at handling variants. And compared to the conventional vax like sino and the like, that is probably the case but compared to mRNA it seems to be a dead heat. You get the vax on top of infection you will be a supper immunity guy. Be a big T cell Baller. Don't be a pussy get jabbed. Your superior body will prevent any and all side effects that lesser beings will experience.
Has anyone looked at the FB group BC Businesses against Health Pass seems to be strong in the interior, biz post that they will not be checking etc or their work arounds etc. I was thinking as a joke post a Asian RubNTug, yes kinda racist,
" Come on Number 1 Rub You and get no masks, staff have no masks as they carry every disease possible including Yellow Fever, Covid, TB and lots of STDs. Even floor has lots of rusty nails so you get lock jaw. Come and test your natural immune system. Free from 20 century medicine let alone 21st. Also offer blood letting and leaches. On site barber can remove teeth then give you shave and haircut."
maybe too much
Nope. Literally what I refer my patients to when imploring them to get vaccinated after I discharge them.
In addition to https://www.science.org/doi/full/10....cience.abg9175
If you were familiar with literature review you would know that acknowledging limitations is an essential component of any published work. Won't get published without that section.
Is there a facepalm emoji here somewhere? Here's some homework: Explain what a case control study is and why it could never be used to infer causality. Bonus question: Explain why someone would use this design.
Apologies for cunting up the thread everyone, hope y'all can come down and sample some 'murican freedom soon. Except for Scandy. Maybe his mom can keep him locked in the basement until this is over, for everyone else's good.
Might wanna double check that one, 3 people including the deputy director at the CDC admitted the flaw. You’ll look at this shit study but ignore the Israel studies? That even Lord Fauci said need to be considered?
And that’s my point, a case study looking retrospectively at this data can’t infer causation. I’ll even give it to you that it’s a study worth looking at and considering. But to take this one pretty flawed example and ignore so many others seems pretty silly. I can sit down and talk to my functional Med doctors about this, but the general practice docs don’t seem to be able to step beyond being a pharma salesman.
“A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.”
My point is that each individual needs to look at their own personal situation. Not just follow the mass psychosis everyone seems to be in where taking any consideration into whether you should get the shot gets you shamed.
I do think if you haven’t had covid you should talk to a good doctor who will actually have a non biased discussion about getting the shot. For certain at risk people i definitely think the benefits of the shot outweigh the risks for some people.
I even said I’d consider the first shot if I feel like I’m at risk. But at this point I don’t think it’s worth it considering I have what the most recent data is saying, very good immunity and I’d like to see more long term and complete data. The Pfizer trial showing worse all cause death for the control group is concerning, especially when 2 people in the placebo group who got the vaccine after the trial also died of heart attacks. It’s bullshit that trial was only 6 months, I’d like to see that for 2 years as it should have been. And that they got rid of the placebo group by allowing them to vaccinate completely eliminates the chance at finding good long term data. Any vaccine I get I’ve looked into as much data as I could and talked to doctors about it before deciding for or against. And I just don’t think the data we have is sufficient yet.
The doctor I’m talking to has concerns over what he’s seen with lower natural T cells in vaccinated people, and wants to see if and how long lasting that is, he’s doing his own research with patients he’s having get a D-dimer test as he’s concerned with what he’s seeing in his vaccinated patients. This is a doctor who’s recommended that his older or unhealthy patients get the vaccine, it’s the kind of open curiosity that seems to be completely lacking in just about anyone.
My point is, you’re supposed to “trust the science” yet when I talk to literal experts and they don’t align completely with the TV doctor and media talking points, I get a whole book of labels thrown at me by people who formed their opinion based on feedback they get from society and peers rather than truth. It’s turned into a religion.