except theres 15 studies showing it does, just like literally every other virus, at least better than the vaccines.
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I'd go further than that, and call bullshit on people "who've had it" on the internet
It's like Moran Whack-a-mole in these threads.
We're at 43% of the worlds population having at least 1 dose now.
5.7 BILLION doses administered.
I mean at this point if you're not getting the vaccine you're either:
a) a pussy ("well, I already had covid so I don't need to get the vaccine")
b) retarded ("vaccine is not safe/effective/makes your dick fall off")
c) both a) and b)
Just watch CNN and obey the TV doctor, he's been flawless I hear.
The Israel study is particularly interesting, the largest study i've seen and shows the most variance between vaccinated immunity and natural immunity.
Shit the Pfizer vaccine is now at what 42% efficacy? that far below the 50% regulatory standard to have a vaccine on the market, especially when considering how long it lasts, its a joke.
Even in Pfizers own 6 month clinical trial study (should have been 2 years), it showed an all cause mortality of 15 in the vaccine group and 14 in the placebo. as in the vaccine showed that it prevents small numbers of (not naturally immune) people from dying of covid, but additional people in the vaccine group died of heart attacks. and 2 original placebo recipients who received the vaccine after the study had concluded also died. its a huge flaw to allow the placebo group in an already too short study to get the vaccine.
I'd consider getting the first shot, say if another variant comes along thats actually deadly, but theres conflicting data on that. I talked to my functional med doctor, (who has a degree in immunology) about this a few times, and its his opinion to wait. especially with my very low risk, he's also waiting on more data to come out on the supposed lowering of natural T cell's the vaccine's may be causing before he'd recommend it to me. Some vaccines are great, I've voluntarily gotten some, while i avoid others like the flu shot which are pointless, arguably counter productive for a healthy person with natural immunity. I need to see more legit, especially longer term studies, and less politicization from both sides before I can make a decision on the covid shot
Q in a Ginch. 13k + useless posts. Life must be unfulfilling....
When i first had what i thought were symptoms, a very mild headache, but i never get headaches, i suspected it and went straight to 2 weeks of not spending any amount of time near others, i went outside all the time because the stay indoors stay safe bullshit is backwards bullshit that'll only make you catch it easier and increase your risk of it being serious.
so at most id pass by someone outside, and would try to keep distance. which isnt anywhere near the amount of time to pass it to someone, its what 5 minutes within a few feet, and 14 minutes 6 ft or more? after that went and got an antibody test, came back positive.
You should focus on yourself rather than someone who tells you youre fkd. Truth hurts i guess
Berta- most cases least precautions, no contact tracing, leaving schools to set their own covid safety measures
- can't figure out that their bought and paid for premier is trying to sabotage the healthcare to privatize and line his pockets while he screws the overwhelming majority, just like he did with provincial parks
-hello mcfly anyone home?
-best summer evvvaaarr
- maybe your health authority will revise that too
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These were just a quick google search, I don’t know if they were THE 15, there’s plenty more than these anyway. The medrxiv links are pending peer review, happy to be proven wrong. is the Phizer clinical trial rejected? Do these not pass the Rachel Maddow or Don Lemmon narrative review? That’s literally where the masses are getting their “follow the science” opinions.
Even if peer review certainly doesn’t mean a study is “Dogshit” anyways, look into the data and it’s sources and still tell me it’s dogshit.
Here’s some more if you want..
Convince me natural immunity isn’t as if not more sufficient. Please.
Typical though, don’t actually address the argument. Just spout childish insults, and throw mainstream media talking points with no backing. So desperate to adhere to what the media, fear porn, big pharma and your political messiah’s tell you with their impeccable reputation of dishonesty, It’s adorable.
I listen to our family physician, whose advice is consistent with his college of practice, and is a member in excellent standing. I have not contracted COVID-19, nor has any member of my family, and there is little benefit to rolling the dice to prove a stupid point.
This is a pandemic, the hospitals are full, regular emergencies and scheduled care is suffering, nurses like my wife are severely overworked in an already stretched provincial health system.
Get the vaccine. Wear a mask. Take a bit of extra caution to remain safe and healthy. Please.