Haha. So pathetic. So sad. Next... a ski off
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if you aint a vaxed American you aint getting across the border for a long time,
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Thursday clarified that it is “not going to happen for quite a while.”
Thats awesome. Legends of hockey series is soo good. Legend definitely suited Gump. His hockey card is burned into my brain
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It has nothing to do with left or right. The NDP or when the left side of the PCs were running the show didn't do anything about it. Just thought lets spend more, O&G will come back and pay for it. The people of AB won't accept the reality that they need a PST. They spend per capita the most on their citizens, pay their civil servants the most etc. The right want to cut spending. The left wants to ... they don't seem to have a plan.
They do spend on infastructure. The workers get shafted though. Govt jobs grt privatised and workers make less snd no union. Highway naintenance has been privatised for a while now. Theyre on to parks now. Closing parks and/or privatizing the work force. Workers get shafted and ths govt fat cats reward their corporate sponsors with contracts. Through all that a lot of the brainwashed rednecks are anti union despite shooting themselves in the foot.
Trickle down economics with no tax or tax cuts is still the 'berta thing despite it never working how they say.
Saw an escalade in town at a shop i was getting some things at.. alberta plate escalade lady had her "make alberta great again" sticker proudly on the back window of the escalade. Despite her wish to seperate she was fine with buting in line but the stupid business owners were ok with that. Unfortunately this particular business is the only game in town for this particular service. I can only imagine the convo between these morans. That sticker is a slap in the face to the rest of canada. Those hicks reap what they sow
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Been seeing a few Canada plates down in Maine
Duel citizens can cross pretty easily.
LOL. Nice :)
Pano's voice is a valuable addition to this conversation. While I don't condone violence, I think he has underestimated how much protection his opponents bubble wrap is going to afford them. Never mind the inconvenience of re-wrapping them after said duel. LOL.
The Hwy5 here is getting real busy. Like normal pre-COVID long weekend kinda busy. And the RV numbers have gone way up from before the new health orders. Both directions. Mostly BC and AB plates though, so there is that. Seems the smoke and park/forest rec site closures aren't deterring vacationers. From what I hear, the commercial RV parks in the area are booked solid until September already.
Most of the articles that pop up are more recent proposals as an opposition party but to say that the NDP have no a plan, or don't do anything besides raise taxes seems not accurate from what I have seen the last few years through friends and family in Edmonton (one worked as the head distiller at a new company, another built a fledgling video game studio).
These businesses don't employ the same numbers as Fort M but if you want to broaden the tax base you have to start somewhere, right?
mag friendly policy here: https://nationalpost.com/news/canada...-in-craft-beer
jobs outside of oil: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calga...amii-1.5017785
clean up the existing O&G sector: https://calgaryherald.com/news/polit...vation-program
HarveyRoad once told me that a bird needs both wings to fly, and the same is true with politics. If nothing else, dissenting (and reasonable) opinions are the most endangered thing in our western democracies.
Well I have to admit though being so close to AB border don't get a lot of AB news so not as current as used to be. Firstly AB is in a hard spot. Oil rev down a ton compared to where it used to be and really spending is hard to reduce. Just looked at NDP platform from last election and its all about spending. The only real job number they had was upgrading and they knew that was a non starter. The NDP didn't in real terms raise taxes , well did on top by getting rid of flat tax stuff so about same as BC. They did keep spending same and spent on infrastructure to pop up economy. Ok in short term but you can't do forever as provinces don't print money.
Its ok for the NDP not to have a real plan. The Cons don't either. They can't make the cuts to balance. They need a PST to fill the hole. But the people of AB would reward that courage of thought with political wilderness for decades.
BC just wants to thank Alberta for chasing all them highly trained doctors to BC
recently Tyler Shandro the minister of health for Alberta tore up the agreement Alberta had with the doctors to cut their wages, was seen screaming at an MD from the sidewalk at the MD's home and generaly doing things with really bad optics
Alberta MD's made/ make more money than any other province but since an MD is a private bidness person they can just go where ever they want and some have been coming to BC,
I don't know where but there are articals on the subject if you wana google it
AB docs make more cash have for a long time. AB has a shortage of docs , well AB ( in past ) has lots of $$ so gives docs lots of $ and takes docs from rest of country.
Right now being a border town can't get stuff done in Calgary as hospitals there don't like BC pays for procedures.
If AB docs are going to BC its not for $ its for lifestyle.
using the goggle it wasnt hard to find lack of trust buy the MD's?
Did he throw pennies at the docs a la ralph klein? Seems to be the con blow hard playbook. Roll up in hour govt vehicle and start hurling something from the sidewalk. Kenney blows chunks wherever he goes, sidewalk or not
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Still AB spends highest per capita of all provinces ( other than NL and NWT) even smaller one that don't have econ of scale. https://www.statista.com/statistics/...a-by-province/
i don’t know what that means. average income is highest in alberta. how does it compare against the median in the procince? and also, if you were forced to work extra hours in the pandemic - doing dangerous work - and force fed a pay cut, i’m sure you’d be pissed too.
wasn’t it 3% across the board for all health care workers?
I believe it. Back in March I was picking up my youngest daughter at the in-home daycare she attends 3 days a week and there was another mom there who had just gotten off her nursing shift and was picking up her kid. She had surplus shots in her minivan that needed to be used and she was offering them right then and there to any parent that wanted one.
Have you not been paying attention. Bill Gates recoded the vax to include the 5G chip. Why do even have to explain this still. ;-)Quote:
jackstraw, i believe, said no one recoded his vax. i don’t see why it would be hard to believe some states did not keep records. and of the others, people might sue about info being released. shitshow.
Friend just posted this. Gump during the '65 stanley cup finals. Fkn legendAttachment 379187
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And he’s drinking Canada Dry!
Fkneh, probably a rothmans no filter too
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34 states reporting a 50% increase in covid cases probably wont expedite the border opening.
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It is a problem though. Vaccinated families have unvaccinated kids mingling with these hillbillies. Are these new variants transmitting from vaccinated people? Im not sure we're ready yet
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Exactly. These little petri dishes harbor, incubate, and spread the same virus we are scared about this month.
Speaking of getting the world innoculated and open again, the poor countries are lagging behind with no help from the first world nations.
This is the time when a pandemic turns endemic. As I've said before we have no chance of eradicating the virus with our current (poor) worldwide vaccine rollout.
I thought the plan was to eradicate this virus and protect the world. The handy global tracker link above tell it otherwise.
Time to "live with the virus" as your Uncle Boris made the news saying.
Yup, my as well give the vax to the willing. A lot more efficient than trying yo convince the morans. We should be at 80% or above with the 2nd shot soon. Govt has contracts set up for a healthy supply so now we're talking distribution to poor countries.
Looks like the vax might be ok for kiddos. Shouldnt be long before its conclusive
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C’mon, guys, get it together and open by August, I really want wifey and kiddo to go away for two weeks, as much as I love them.