If you take enough summer courses combined with experience the top end salary is closer to $100k with no masters required. My wife's a teacher - she's usually up until 10-11pm every night either marking or making lesson plans. When it's report card / marking season, she ain't coming out on Sunday afternoons either. She can't come on mid-winter ski trips, and instead has to travel during march break which is $$$. Sometimes when school's on it feels like I have more of a roommate than anything else. Yeah she gets summer off which is awesome but given all of that and knowing how much actual work is involved with that job, plus getting constantly shit on by the government, I wouldn't take it.
Back on topic though - tomorrow "America's Hat" (that's new, and weak-ass shit by the way) will have distributed just as many doses per capita as the self-proclaimed-but-literally-never-said-by-anyone-else Greatest Country In The World USA. They are just daring some shitty variant to spring up this fall down there. Morans.
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