Never mind English Montreal, the kid needs to know how to speak French so he can pick up the hot French speaking Montreal chicks, of which there are plenty.
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Never mind English Montreal, the kid needs to know how to speak French so he can pick up the hot French speaking Montreal chicks, of which there are plenty.
They all speak English. They were just faking it to keep the creepers away…:FIREdevil
He just needs dad’s cc. They all accept cc thru “only fans” these days. E commerce at its best!
Only if I get the passwords too.
Just got back from Canada and I can say more about it later, but in general it doesn't seem like many Americans are crossing the border yet. I was paying attention over the entire weekend and I didn't see another Washington plate until today. I guess the entry requirements are too onerous for most. It was weird coming back into the U.S. today. There was one lane open at the border crossing and just two cars in front of us. Kind of surreal.
did you need a test to cross?
Yes, the border agent wanted to see our Covid test results that we had taken last week. Then he also sent us to the entry test station. That process took maybe 15 minutes to complete. He didn't ask us about our quarantine plan at all. Nexus lane was open going into Canada.
Pardon, going back to the USA were you asked for a covid test as well?
thanks, i think with that my brother is going to drive up from brooklyn - haven't seen him in 18 months!
It was interesting to see that mask usage in Canada was much less than the U.S. (well, Seattle that is). Even in small stores most people were not masking. Usually employees were, but not always.
^^ Really? I'm in Ontario - I have only seen three unmasked people inside since the beginning of this. It's also not uncommon to see people outside wearing masks as well.
Same here.
I have not seen a person in a store without a mask since this began, employee or otherwise, in Quebec.
At restaurants there is dining-in now, and that is unmasked while dining at whatever capacity is allowed. I haven't been.
Several weeks (maybe a month+ now?) restrictions were lowered from mandatory masks to just suggested use. At that point many stopped wearing them but there is still lots using them. Also some variation among communities on how many you see. Here in North Vancouver in the grocery store it's still about 75% wearing a mask in store. We were in Powell River a weeks back and it was maybe 30-40% wearing a mask in the grocery store.
Yes, this was Whistler by the way. Definitely well over half were not masked.
We had a brief period here where it was the same, but then the fucking delta variant started walloping us...
The ferry from Nanaimo to Horseshoe Bay was terrible in the COVID sense. Almost no masks being worn, and everyone crowding each other in various locations - most especially at the food outlet. Thankfully, we got on the upper car deck, so we were able to escape and relax away from the mouthbreathing crowd. Hit the big grocery store in 'loops on the way home, and masking was a little better at maybe half donning masks.
Bunch of new COVID cases in our town as well. More in the last week than most of the entire pandemic in our little health zone. Most recent exposures are from a 1yr old birthday party, most attending adults not vaxed, several attendees from the local pipeline worker camp. Local hospital acute care ward has a couple of beds prepared for the infected should their conditions worsen - but last night and tomorrow night emerg is closed down due to RN staffing shortages. Only one resident doc left in town with the rest of the need coming from locums. All emerg needs during the local emerg closure are 911 calls, with ambulance transport to 'loops, 1.5hrs drive away.
Only about 1/3 of the people masked in the local grocery store, vaccination rate stalled after the original community vax clinics, with <70% with 2 doses. Still no word on what the plan is for the elementary school this Sept.
I suspect it's going to be a long season going into the fall and winter months.
AD, do you have Nexus? If so, did that help smooth things over for you?
Seattle is the most up-tight city in America. There was a tremendous difference in mask use from Seattle to Tacoma (only 35 minutes south) during the entire pandemic. Seattle is full of wealthy, highly educated folks, the exact type of people who take COVID seriously. I can't find vaccination numbers for Seattle, alone, but wouldn't be surprised if it has the highest vaccination rate of any big city in America (82.4% of everyone over 12 in King County has received at least 1 dose, Seattle has to be higher than this). Are playgrounds even open yet in Seattle? They were closed last time I was up there.
Wifey said it was about 30% in LaDuc. Mostly employees, but some customers. The ice facility has mask signs on the doors, but very low usage inside.
The lack of mask usage wouldn't be so bad if people would physically distance themselves a bit. But nope, gotta line up close enough to sniff each other's butthole (if they could get their nose out of their device). Even with my cough and sneezing from the combo of sensitive sinuses and the smoke, you would think people would stand back a bit. Nope, completely oblivious, or worse apathetic, to the situation.
Yes and hard to say for sure, but the Canadian border agent certainly didn't grill us. Asked us where we were going, for how long, and asked for our proof of a negative Covid test. We were probably through in about a minute.
Yes, playgrounds are open in Seattle now.
I’m tentatively planning to drive across the border from WA and get on the Tsawwassen ferry to Nanaimo on the afternoon of Sept 4th - labour day weekend. I do have a ferry reservation. Can anyone comment on if this is crazy or not? I’ve heard that the ferries are jammed - but is a reservation still 100% going to gaurantee you a spot anyways? Will islanders be vibing us and our WA plates?
As long as you are at the Ferry Terminal the minimum proper amount of time in advance of the sailing that they specify, then the reservation is guaranteed. However the B.C. Ferry Corp is under staffed and recently had to cancel a couple of sailings when 3 Officers all called in sick on the same day.
If you have a reservation and you get to the terminal within the specified check-in time, then you will have a spot on that sailing. No worries there. When we returned to the mainland via Nanaimo to Horseshoe Bay last weekend, BC ferries had extra people on the lead-in to the ticket booths to make sure people with reservations did not get stuck in the no-reservation line-up, on both sides of the route. Guess during previous sailings, the ferries were so busy that traffic jammed the lanes so bad people with reservations couldn't get in to secure their spot in line. BC ferries (or highways?) had that corrected by the time we got there.
No idea about the folks vibing your plates, but no one appeared to hassle the WA folk we saw at the ferry.