They do spend on infastructure. The workers get shafted though. Govt jobs grt privatised and workers make less snd no union. Highway naintenance has been privatised for a while now. Theyre on to parks now. Closing parks and/or privatizing the work force. Workers get shafted and ths govt fat cats reward their corporate sponsors with contracts. Through all that a lot of the brainwashed rednecks are anti union despite shooting themselves in the foot.
Trickle down economics with no tax or tax cuts is still the 'berta thing despite it never working how they say.
Saw an escalade in town at a shop i was getting some things at.. alberta plate escalade lady had her "make alberta great again" sticker proudly on the back window of the escalade. Despite her wish to seperate she was fine with buting in line but the stupid business owners were ok with that. Unfortunately this particular business is the only game in town for this particular service. I can only imagine the convo between these morans. That sticker is a slap in the face to the rest of canada. Those hicks reap what they sow
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