Also... what is Trudeau supposed to address?
He could address the requirements for truckers to require a vaccination to re enter Canada. But that's where it ends. And he did address that in saying that the vast majority of truckers are vaccinated and the vast majority of people suport that law... so he said he wouldn't do anything about that. FYI I don't agree with this law, but let's be honest that this is never what the protest was about.
He can't address public health measures because those are put in place by the provinces... he has no control over that. And even if he wanted to appease protesters by trying to force provincial governments hands (which he wouldn't do), the backlash would be horrendous. FYI I think public health measures should start to be removed too, and they are... by the provinces.
He should NOT address anyone who says parliament should step down and let someone else run things because that's asinine.
What else did the protesters want? What else was he supposed to address?
How about the illegal occupation of a city for 3 weeks. Yeah, he addressed that.
I don't love Trudeau, didn't vote for him in this last election and probably won't in the next one, but as has been said before, he can't win here.
Maybe he shouldn't have used the emergencies act but I fully support not addressing the protesters.