Sorry for the late reply. 7000 feet of triple overhead powder from Pat Kings frozen freedom tears from jail
Attachment 407466
Hate isn’t the right word. Disgust and sadness about the stupidity of this pathetic convoy. Total lack of respect for the amazing freedoms we do have in this country. Even if you don’t want to take part in helping us get past Covid, you have the freedom to do that. If you are still upset about the restrictions that causes, you have a multitude of options to make a difference and fight for a change. Even if you don’t want to do that, you can march to Ottawa, you can protest. You can jump in your little man truck and honk your horn. Wave your fuck Trudeau signs. But you don’t occupy a city and take away other Canadians freedoms. You don’t block orders. You don’t demand the government drop the mandates when a vast majority of Canadians support the public health measures.