don’t you get all frothing riled up when politicians suggest people eat better?
Anyways, I’m curious the median waist line. I suspect it’s smaller.
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There's a pretty strong argument to be made that poverty is a causal factor. The working poor eat a ton of food that's calorie dense per dollar, but full of saturated fats and sugar. When you're juggling two jobs, and maybe a kid or two, the McDs drive-thru saves a bunch of time as well.
And for a "rich" country, there sure are a lot of un-rich around here.
LOL, that's hilarious.
I don't think anyone actually wants to be obese so whatever we can do to help them not be obese is a good thing. I do however think that there are some people out there that take the whole body acceptance thing as a convenient excuse for their lack of effort to get un-fat. I'm beautiful the way I am may be true, but it's also not a reason to not get off the couch and stop eating like our former President.
As a young stay at home mother, with a growing boy in the house we used to stretch our food dollar. One of Andrew's favorite dinners was pasta with a bit of butter and grated cheese. He called them groovy noodles. We had a joke, "What did the real pasta call the fake pasta? An impasta.
Nobody would ever confuse me for a swimsuit model, but with all the farms and fresh produce available here in Minnesota during the summer, we've tried to eat healthier as Andrew got older. Now that Andrew is out of the house, I've taken to do my weekly shopping at some of the smaller local stores which in the warm weather I can ride my bicycle to. The bakery on Fridays, the produce market on Saturdays. It's a bit more expensive, but if one thinks in terms of quality over quantity, and not having to get into my car and drive to the store, it works.
The huge caveat, which is supported by some research, is that many docs are reluctant to look for other issues when the patient is obese. A former roommate of mine fell into that category until finding a new doc who was more open-minded, and it turns out the obesity was a side effect of an autoimmune disorder (and one of many).
I'm not saying that's always the case, but in many, having obesity staring them in the face keeps doctors from looking further, kinda like missing a head injury because you got distracted by the busted tibia poking through the pants.
Been thinking more deeply about your comment here since you first posted it. While I agreed, it's actually more profound than I first realized.
Think about it in the context of a pre-covid vs covid world. 2020 alone saw a STEEP rise in obesity, depression, alcohol/drug abuse, etc. OBVIOUSLY related to loneliness as people were forced to hole up and isolate. That means eating like shit for many (ordering in all the time, drive-thrus, etc), NOT going to gyms, not going to parks, NOT seeing friends who would help set them straight and give them the moral support they need, and the list goes on and on and on. People who are morbidly obese DO often lead more lonely, more isolated lives. And now that people who are big are at increased risk of dying from covid related complications, they've been isolated even further.
This is a rabbit hole worth pursuing. How do we get these people reintegrated with friends and family? How do we get them healthier? And no, I don't believe the self-affirming phony BS we're peddling these days is doing anybody any favors. "YAAAASSSSS QUEEN! YoU'Re SO BEAutIFUL!!!" Question for those who think that's the best approach: Since our society's been utilizing this approach to literally every human flaw these days, have any of those things IMPROVED or have they only gotten worse? Yeah...
I'm certainly not in the fat catagory, but I'm 100% glad I'm not one of your friends.
I've got a close work colleague and he smokes. My giving him shit about smoking isn't going to help him at all. NOT AT ALL.
He already knows it's dangerous. (Just like I know my Diet Coke isn't 'healthy.')
But he also knows I care and I'd do whatever I could to help, if he decides he wants to quit.
Shaming people isn't a help.
Making them feel like shit just doesn't solve problems.
(And you can delude yourself you're not making people feel like shit, but seriously, I think you are. Perhaps you totally mean well, but IMO, there's way better ways to do it.)
I'm fat. It's not healthy. Fat shaming is just as bad as fat enabling.
When your autocorrect continually changes stuff that you type into a search bar. That is fucking annoying.
What's up with monotone people? Are they all serial killers underneath?
When the guys at the sewer plant were razzing another worker about his weight, he told them "You don't drive a rail spike with a tack hammer." I thought that was the best fat shame comeback ever.
I would think having a quick sense of humor would be a job requirement for working in a sewage plant.
Lotta shit-talking for sure
"That shit puts food on the table."
Ugh. From a FB page called "Montanans for Limited Government"
If you want to find out how often you hit the end of your finger on stuff, just cut the tip off.
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Soft soap annoys me. Not that it exists but that it has taken over and now it is next to impossible to find good old fashion BAR SOAP.
WTF, I just want some goddamn bar soap. It lasts longer, takes up less space, and doesn’t generate more plastic trash.
There should be a fight over this atrocity.