In the South it's "Bless your heart."
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In the South it's "Bless your heart."
"Good For You" is my personal fave.
This one is not so much annoying as just kind of strange. Have you ever noticed some people stop for a couple seconds before getting on an escalator to get the timing right? I'm not talking about old, feeble people. I'm talking about people who seem perfectly normal. You should not need to pause to get on an escalator.
People who don't walk up the steps on escalators. It's a turbo, not an e ticket ride.
RU funking kidding me?
Yes this annoys me
And Ohh People who litter in other peoples town or community.
The shit stains who pull into Verdi on the Way back to Cali have been especially shitty of late in this regard
So people who litter in their own community are okay?
i love the people who empty all the garbage out of their car into the parking lot. Sure, just dump that overflowing ashtray on the ground along with all the old fast food bags. No one will notice or mind... My only solace is that people who smoke like chimneys, eat processed garbage, and leave it all in the parking lot will, for the most part, live short lives and suffer prolonged, miserable ends.
Fat women.
People that after finding out that you have spent most of your life being a ski bum and say "Well there is nothing wrong with that", You know that they have been so finely programmed that they actually think that there is something wrong with that.
People who are ski bums who actually give a fuck what someone else says. Speaks a lot about their "experience".
People who have preconceived notions about how other people should feel about things based on their perception of that person's life choices.
I'm getting confused; Am I dirtbag or not?
People who leave their piss all over the toilet seat.
Anyone who spits gum in the urinal.
people who make this shit appear in my FB news feed
The spring time arrival of hordes of cruise ship tourons in Seattle making it impossible to make a turn at any downtown intersection as they saunter across the crosswalk against the light....
You have a dog?
You can smile?
Who knew?
runny scrambled eggs......... fucking non cooking wankers
Stupid threads started by some fucking alias going 12 pages.
That dog's not fluffy.
-People that walk out doors and stop in the middle of them.
-People that walk out doors into a sidewalk and stop right in the middle without paying attention to "traffic."
-The man (50+) at the bar tonight asking if my drink was a Cosmo and then looking dumbfounded when I told him it was a Manhattan. "is that drink in again? My parents used to drink that." - Fucking really? I have about 40 insults for this douchebag other than the color of the drink.
-Bartenders that make "strong" cocktails. Jack and coke... sure, be heavy on the Jack. Manhattan... I want it to taste like a Manhattan, shitheel.
/I appreciate the dirty ice side though.
"friends" on facebook that post shit like this...
"Our -Negative behavior ALWAYS turns on us,buttt Sooo does our +Positive behavior...Obviously, its better for us 2 have Peace & Joy "rebound" on us than Hurt & Violence....Then WHY don't We "consistently" ACT Peaceful & Joyous ??? Well it probably Takes an Idiot or a Saint 2 be "consistently' +Positive+ in this World of Cynicism-Cruelty & Corruption on a MAJOR SCALE....However We may strive 2 FREE ourselves of "Preoccupation" with Anythingggg "BEYOND our CONTROL" We All find ourselves reacting 2 certain events with Rage,Envy,Jealousy,FEAR or any other Painful,Destructive "emotions"...BUT Knowing We have A CHOICE can FREE us from Bondage 2 this PAIN...For we can choose to "Respond" ragefully or enviously--or we can choose to Feel the Feeling and then to "LET IT GO" sooooo that the-Negative- feeling & then 2 Let it Go soooooo that the Negative feeling Doesn't Control our behavior....Successful Living "involves" Learning 2 Control HOW we Behave;IF We HIDE or DENY our feelings,then friend their with u FOREVER..for my friend its ONLY by Experiencing them that we can Let them GOOO...As I sayyy GONE BABY GONE!!!!!! >3SB-KIDSTYLE/W2K
-that label on the bottle of dr. bronners soap irritates me every time I'm in the shower. I had to put it under the sink because it was ruining my mornings. I don't even know what exactly it is about the bottle that pisses me off. I think I'm just grumpy in the mornings before breakfast. and after.
-When I go to a Chinese food restaurant and some 300 year old lady is horking up phlegm while I'm trying to enjoy my congee.
- Most other people's children.
-people who text while walking and act like it's my fault when we collide.
- The open mouth chewing, bad breath, nose picking and nail biting manchild who sits beside me. Once he helped himself to my unsalted almonds and I could have punched him in the trachea. The greasy fuck just had his fingers in his nose. He also shows up to class without the proper supplies because he figures he can use mine instead, and surfs gaming and hardware blogs all day while talking about how easy all the shit we are learning is. And then fails the test. That guy is fucking annoying.
- The fact that every 5 foot Asian is at exactly the right height to poke my eyes out with the corner of their umbrella and it always rains and everyone is Asian.
Yeah. But keep it going.
Posted signs. Top two are mine. Confiscated the others from my neighbors who posted our border.
Fuckers at Costco who have to eat every sample in the store and block the aisles while doing so.
People displaying overly dramatic and ridiculous road rage and have cliche new age bumper stickers like namaste.
People fucking with the schedule. Never make plans with slackers who can't be on time.
Or showing up with unexpected novices on board and wanting to alter plans to accommodate them... which means fucking around all day, starting late, skiing half as much and going home early.
fuck those fucking fuckers. travel solo.
When ski season ends in Ontario on april 1. :(