The filler valves are a common point of failure. Easy 15 minute fix that costs $20, too.
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Somebody is peeing on the floor?
Does somebody include fur kids?
That cabinet will be easy to pull, but you’re not going to do it without needing to touch up the paint. Take your time with a good light and find all the screws. Cut that calk with a razor then when you have the cabinet pulled back run a flat razor knife behind the calk.
Agree with the other posts, might be a PITA but it beats extensive water damage. Don’t put it off.
Thanks all.
FWIW no pee on the floor and evdog is not riding a buffalo (yet) -
been hobbled up a few months so figure a little lawn work in order
just dropped my glasses in to the limb shredder
very annoyed but maybe more annoyed i keep chuckling at myself for the stupidity
Any social media post captioned Sunday Funday.
Shit you don’t want to read while waiting to fly out of ATL.
Attachment 453299
Better than flying into Atlanta.
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An escalator can never break: it can only become stairs.
You should never see an Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order sign, just Escalator Temporarily Stairs.
Sorry for the convenience.
Mitch Hedberg
Shit that annoys me?
When a perfectly random thread gets hijacked. Start your own California Tax Thread for fuk sake.
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The impending end of ski season annoys the ever loving SHIT out of me.
Next season I’m going to do it better. More days. More travel. Better conditioning. Might even go ski Bushwacka’s chute of doom.
Hair that has been shed by someone in my family whether its my dog or wife. Im generally used to it by now, but its real annoying when my dogs hair gets into my computer mouse, or a hair from my wife gets left behind in my sons diaper and i have a shitcovered long string of hair flopping around.
Popups when I scroll up to close a tab. I'm running two blockers and have shit pretty locked down and it still happens. Annoying.
Popups that show up at my door on Monday afternoon and ask if I remember them.
Just close the door. It's like closing a browser window.
I figured after 19 years here, why not write it right in so there is no confusion?
Attachment 453472
Having Rontal flashbacks.
fucking Van Halen
that music sucks
“jump” on the ski area radio while I was eating lunch
Oops, wifey found a one-hitter and a lighter I haven't seen in two years. She is pissed. "Only users lose drugs!"