Don't you think if that business model worked, everyone would have been doing it by now? If you paid a dime, nine cents would go to the payment processor.
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For FB, IG and YouTube be, advertisers pay for views and make zillions doing it. TV streaming forces you to watch ads for a period of time. You’d think the newspaper industry could devise a pop up system with ads for 15 seconds or something for advertisers. With a subscription it’d be ad free.
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Not with the methods I mentioned. Try looking into BAT. Seriously. It's a 5% fee from contributions to content creators, so if somebody gave you ten cents, they'd get a $0.005 cut. It's WAY more streamlined than most payment processors and while not the lowest % fee, it cuts a lot of the red tape and middlemen. It also allows us, the consumers, to participate in the ad revenue as well. I've earned around $40 which is in my little "wallet," which I can then spend freely with participating journalists and other content creators if I so choose.
Seriously. Look into it. I believe it only hasn't become as huge as it could be due to lack of recognition. Doesn't have Microsoft, Facebook, Twatter, and the rest behind it, ya know? Why?! Because Brave's business model runs contrary to most of Big Tech's, which means THEY hoard all the advertising bucks to themselves and want the rest of us to not have any say in the matter. BAT is the antithesis to our current standard online economy.
I'm not going to get into a pissing match with you, I know you have this insatiable need to be right about everything. I've been in this industry for 25 years. The bean counters have tried pretty much everything to make the model work. Micro contributions don't work. Period. But I'm sure you know better than we do.
I'm not pretending I know for certain it's the best way for them. Just throwing out something I think COULD work. You could at least bother doing some research on (or experiencing first hand like I have) what I'm talking about before being so against something novel.
I'll tell you what DOESN'T work tho: Whatever the hell they're doing currently. But hey. What do I know? Welp. Enjoy the industry's continued death spiral, then.
You're still not hearing me. It's not novel. You didn't invent the wheel.
Micro. Donations. Dont. Work.
Your minutes of googling that makes you think it will isn't "research."
Signed, A $649 billion dollar industry. (who may have done some "research")
People. People annoy me.
Driving around town there are cars and trucks flying full sized flags. Yes, yes I know we are in the United States. My IQ is above 80. I do not need your jingoistic BS shoving it in my face (do people in other countries do this?)
November 5th is not going to be the end. It's just going to be the beginning of a bigger nightmare no matter the outcome. HATE WHAT IS HAPPENING! FUCK!
You ever been in Europe during the World Cup? They go absolutely bonkers in the finals. I was in Germany in '04 when they were up against Turkey. Both flags being paraded everywhere, loads of horn honking, people hanging outside of cars and convertibles waving their banners, and yup. Have witnessed these displays of national pride devolve into full-blown riots too and had to GTFO.
Perhaps politics are our World Cup? Really brings out the more tribal side in people I guess. Haha.
Doesn’t annoy me as much baffles me - the existence of White Claw Zero. A 0% alcohol seltzer is just a flavored seltzer water right? This isn’t even NA beer.
Hahahaha. I didn't even know that existed. I too am baffled. Guess they're right back to square one with that product. Brilliant marketing from the brand I suppose. Charge 3x what a flavored seltzer water costs for literally the same thing (well, arguably worse actually) and the masses will be all over it. It's the same reasoning that suburban basic white chicks eschew "station wagons" but toss on some cheap black plastic body cladding, raise it 1/4", and relabel it an "SUV" and those same people are like "I MUST HAVE IT!!!"
To piggyback off your post, the sheer effectiveness of marketing on the gullible masses annoys me. I know it's pure psychology, but why are people like this?
People be like:
You'll appreciate this review, dunfree:
A can of Liquid Death is almost $3.
It's just a can of plain, unflavored, still water.
Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
How about people who pay for bottled water at sporting events? Beer is equally exorbitant, but at least it's not available free elsewhere.