They stole your fucking propane tank??!!! Fuckers are getting bolder and bolder
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Also some copper pipe I bet. Meth bears don't play.
Getting pulled over for running non-existent stop signs. Cop pulls behind me and turn on his lights. I'm thinking better get out of his way and pull to the side. Then he stops too. WTF? "You know why I pulled you over?" "No." "You blew right through a stop sign back there." "O rly?"
Got off with a warning as I decided against being argumentative, but I drove back to make sure I wasn't going crazy and yup. There's no damn stop sign. Haha. Guess I should revisit getting a dash cam. That would've been even more annoying if I was issued a citation.
Most annoying thing about it was that it was right in front of my kids' school picking them up. Thanks for making me look like a school zone violating asshole for nothing, Officer Buttmunch. Guy was being a prick the whole time too. Bet he realized he screwed up (thus the "warning") but instead of just letting the whole thing go, he doubled down, making a big show about it in front of all the parents. /FACEPALM
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I was driving west on old highway 40 west of Soda Springs. A cop who turned out to be a game warden had pulled someone over. Just as I got to them the cop started to pull out. I honked because I couldn't have avoided hitting him. He stopped pulling out and I went by. He then got a few feet off my rear bumper as I drove the posted limit (35). He did that for a while so I figure he wanted me to speed up. I get up to 40. He pulls me over. Tells me the limit is 25--a lie. Keeps me for a while then lets me go without even a warning. I figure the guy was pissed about people using his road (which is also my road) to bypass freeway traffic and decided to harass people.
A game warden doing traffic duty?
That shit annoys me.
fucking web/email host got ransomeware'd
email is portal'ed to microsoft exchange, so the history should exist somewhere...but for the moment, our web portal goes to the host before going to microsoft, so we're SOL until our host gets their shit figured out
a couple emails got out this morning per some phone calls, but I have no idea if any other clients or consultants have been trying to email me
phone still works & my work server is not backed up by the web/email host, so i got that going for me
which is nice
Oof. Damn, that’s really tough. Vibes ::: :::.
It started as the email host going back to 2004; then we asked a about 4 years ago how to either expand our storage or to work out a backup for old email because it was annoying to archive every 4mos. They suggested MS Exchange and said it would be like gmail with no backups reqd & access to the full history. They converted it all. It costs us a couple bucks more than going direct & we didn’t need to manage the conversion.
But now, here we are…
Going to change that when we get our access back
Town of Truckee got ransomwared and lost all of its emails. They decided it was too dangerous to recover them from the server so just gone. Given all the shenanigans they've been up to the last few years it's probably to their benefit to lose them. ( The guys who really got fucked were the contractors and their clients because the building department shut down for months and by the time it reopened it was too late in the year to start anything outdoors.
3:30am phone call from the alarm company telling me the power is out.
Fuck. Now I’m awake dammit
For some reason the decision was made to box blade the private road I live on yesterday. No rain forecast till Sunday to reform the crust, now we get giant clouds of dust and my car is constantly covered in dust.
that eBay just keeps utterly shit fraudulent sellers around and DNGAF.
hey ya dumb drunk fuck with the brains of cottage cheese sitting in the sun who’s stuck his dick in the dryer socket so many times he can’t even see the torched tooth pick remaining, it’s a place I’ve done business with for years that seems to have been taken over recently (or the old Japanese owner is in poor health) and eBay doesn’t care.
People saying they got covid now and the accompanying symptoms is getting played out. Like if you got OG, Alpha, Delta, or even Omicron back at Christmas it's a cool story, but now... lame. Oh, you finally just got covid? Nobody cares.
Business admin apps
I've been moonlighting this spring to make some extra cash before the baby gets here. One or two shifts a week, pay is great, I am happy with the work I am doing.
I should have been suspicious when I caught the trackers from the owner's email client, the one he pays $30 a month for. Every aspect of his small business is handled by a different app, each terrible to use, and none of them talk well together. For the amount he pays per month for various services, he could more than cover the wages for a single admin assistant who would do a better job.
I care as I dont want it nor to have my family have it, so if ya get it, tell me.
Had 2 families not come to our derby party as they felt sick
both moms had it, glad they didnt come.
Had kids on my baseball team get it too, glad they told me.
Noone is showing off