raining up in Weed
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raining up in Weed
The motorcycle thread getting locked
What in the fuck? I don’t even see an explanation or shitposting.
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Link to thread? Sometimes someone fat fingers something, afaik it wasn't supposed to be locked.
Maggot motorcycle stoke thread
Lulz, Timber, yeah I was gonna say they are having a rather sultry conversation about riding an Africa twin lol.
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I think it's unlocked now.
Market taking a shit on the day my company blackout ends... :mad:
Full on, state-wide, single use bag ban. My wife placed a Whole Foods order and it came in 14 reusable bags. WTF, we already have a lifetime supply of reusable bags! How is this environmentally friendly???
I might as well just use these for trash bags like I used to use the paper bags.
Attachment 415460
My wife and I were up till 5:00 am last night because she wanted to paint and install new flooring in our laundry room before our new washer and dryer were delivered at 7:30 am this morning. Guys were right on time if not early, but then informed us they didn't get an order to remove our old washer and dryer, so we needed a phone call to Costco for that (they're still sitting in out driveway as of now). Anyway, they get the appliances in and hooked up quickly and everything seems fine, but when I fired up the washer after maybe 30 minutes it gave an error code indicating it can't drain. Drain hose looks fine, no obvious problem there. Maybe the pump is defective? Anyway, another call to Costco and they can't get anyone here to look at it till Tuesday. I hope on Tuesday they get the thing working and don't just say "yeah, you're right, it doesn't work." God dammit. Being a homeowner can be so fucking frustrating. OTOH I don't have to lug furniture around all day like the delivery guys do, so definitely a First World problem.
Did a factory plug in the outflow line accidentally get left in when they hooked up the drain hose? I've seen that happen. If the washing cycle worked until it tried to drain, and you can hear the drain motor cycle on, might be worth a quick check so you have a working washer before Tuesday.
Around here some rodent or other eat the tulip bulbs before they can even sprout. My wife surrounded the tulips with daffodil bulbs which is supposed to protect them, and this year we actually got a couple of tulips.
Nope, nothing obstructing the end of the drain hose and nothing in the instructions indicating there's any kind of plug that needs to be removed. The drain house doesn't need to be connected. It comes already attached, so it's possible there something blocking it where the hose exits the machine, but that seems sort of unlikely to me.
Bears attacking the BBQ at 4:45am Attachment 415689
My favorite thing to do is golf
My least favorite thing to do is golf with my family
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