My 25 year old roommate is going to be bummed when I tell him he's actually 55.
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Or he just figures BMills fucked up who's the 55 year old in the house
hey man, I'm only 35...ish!
When you get 2+ feet of snow, and it rains before opening day. ontaribad
transvestites talking about their schizophrenia and how they want to let their inner rock groupie out.... blocking the cash register in the liquor store.
^^^Was that you in front of me?
Office asshole who clicks his pen every 10 seconds.
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rats shitting and leaving seeds and sticks in the engine bay of my car.
People who close their office door.
Network lag when using a touch screen.... Grrr.... Hitting the wrong thing....
ugggggg..... trying to repo industrial equipment...... big pain in the ass.
I worked for a startup when this started going on among upper mgmt. we middle mgmt drones responded by having fake closed door meetings about absolutely nothing in front of them. They almost shit a brick, thinking we were all about to defect to a competitor. Good times :)
is it really necessary to go for a run when the streets are barely plowed, and packed with every parent in town driving their kids to school? Can't just hold off until things quiet down, or hit the treadmill; you've just got to claim YOUR piece of the road?
proprietary connectors. I understand the need for them, but that doesn't mean I have to like them.
office cubicle sniffer, mom didn't teach you how to blow your nose? thank god for headphones.
Anyone who buys scratch-off lottery tickets...then stands at the register and scratches them off in front of the register, so they can take their $3.00 winnings and buy more scratch scratch off while blocking the register. Should I be annoyed with the Scratchy McLotto or the register jockey who doesn't tell them to step aside...or myself for standing there and taking it like a dipshit?
Thinking I cleaned the snow off my car well enough only to open the door and have a bunch of snow still land on my seat.
Reply-all emails for thank you or for new hire announcements. No one cares that you're brown-nosing or falling all over yourself to congratulate a new hire.
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On my street today......sheeeet
Little kids who wear those Philip Johnson glasses.
Windshield cracks from gravel thrown by snowplows.
company wide holiday emails from kiss ass coworkers. merry x-mas!...go fuck yourselves!!
I've said it before, many times, but I just gotta say it again after all the driving I've done the last couple of weeks: The way people drive around here. Fuck you you fucking fuckers. Pay attention to what's going on around you, don't be such a pussy, just get the fuck out of the way.
Okay, I'm good for another year now.
Losers that give themselves fancy bullshit job titles.
Ex. CEO, when your company is all of 3 people. You, your father that hired you, and the secretary. Fucking joker.
Going to a holiday dinner and not getting leftovers...fuck that noise.
My family always ensures everyone goes home with whatever the fuck they want...especially a single males in their twenties.
Moral of the story? I'm stoned, hungry, don't want to cook, and shouldn't have to this close to Christmas.
you should have gone with Critically Urgent Network Technician or something...
I worked at an audiologists office for a while and just basically did all the bitch work, i.e. shipping/receiving, warranty claims, made appointments, some hearing aid maintenance, and the like. I was the executive control center coordinator.