Well aren't you a bit peckish.
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Well aren't you a bit peckish.
1 chiefly British : HUNGRY LIKE THE WOLF
Recasting Little Red Riding Hood as exotic women in a Raiders of The Lost Arc setting
Peckish can be hungry or hangry?
OP: how far are you from buttah’s house ?
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Caught #8 today. My whole truck smells like rat piss so at this point I would count blowing up the truck as a solid option.
I’m ashamed to admit that I’m finding the whole thing very amusing. Vibes, easyrdr.
Is there some kind of rodent level electric fence thing that’ll fry the bastards? Maybe something with a guard 4” off the ground so you don’t zap anybody’s cat or dog….
What about a bug bomb you put in your engine bay? Might not kill them, but could drive them out.
Either that or maybe time to call in a professional
I had a rat problem in my house and bought an electric trap. It worked great. It's a small tunnel (too small for a cat) that has an electrified plate about halfway down. You put food in the far end and when the rat walks across the plate: zap. The other nice thing is the dead rat is in the trap, so you just dump it out. No fuss, no muss.
what does Happy Halloween even mean?
bah humbug
Halloween: the day people take off their masks
I rarely watch TV. Just saw a commercial for (I think) Kia where these 2 hipsters arrive in front of a restaurant and the parking spot in front of the door is too narrow for them to park and still get out of the car. So what do these douchebags do? They get out of the car and allow it to park itself so now there’s 3 cars where nobody can get in or out of their cars. I mean, WTF? Is that a desirable option on a car? Fucking everybody around you? Yeah, people suck…
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I used to be a coupon ho years ago when it was easy to save a ton of money doing it. Bundles of coupons in the unsold Sunday papers were easy to come by at the recycling center. I saved thousands yearly, plenty of stuff I'd give away that I got for free. I have an extra fridge in the garage and 2 sets of metal shelves that were constantly full. To the point that my wife told me if I brought any more stuff home she would kick me out.
Triple coupon wars among the different stores and plentiful coupons made it a fun hobby. Catalina deals such as Buy $30 of these Kraft products and get $15 off. The products were all 1/2 off and the $30 was the regular shelf price (not by design) rather than the shelf price so you add coupons to the mix and you are getting paid to take it home. Quite the rush getting shit for free. The show Extreme Couponing put an end to that when the mfrs and stores found out our little tricks. I think about the times i would have a full shopping cart of stuff for $18 and now I get nothing and it's $120. WTF.
Good times.
While that commercial was a stupid example of the feature, where it IS a kickass feature is when you're in a parking garage. Often times the only decent spots available are the ones RIGHT by a pillar, and of COURSE you got some dickwad who parked too close in the space next over. With the remote park feature, problem solved. Also, being that Kia/Hyundai is from South Korea, ultra-tight parking's a common theme there. Not sure why Kia's trying to market these things to hipster dbags. Do hipsters even drive high tech new Kias?
that fucking sentence annoys me
I probably would if I saw one. Like I said, I almost never watch TV with commercials
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