So ..... that's code for no nookie?!?!?!?
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“Plumbing project” IS an interesting pet name for her bits, but whatever floats your boat
Especially since they got rid of the thumbs down counter! That's made it much more difficult.
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caught rats # 5 and #6. I'm going to lose my fucking mind. Seriously I've killed a whole family by now yes? At some point won't the living say hey everyone keeps dying here maybe we should find another truck to live in.
maybe leave the dead rats nearby so the smell of death warns them away
Look up Shawn Woods on YouTube and have fun going down that rabbit hole!
Sent from my Pixel 3 using TGR Forums mobile app
Yep; and a shit ton of other undesirable things.
Thanks Montucky, good stuff there. Just ordered 4 bucket traps, a nice step up compared to my pringles can on a string in my 5 galloon pail.
Says they can reproduce every six to eight weeks, 2-6 per litter, the kicker is the littles can procreate 6 weeks after birth.
I figure if I have gotten 6 then at least one litter has been eliminated and is not reproducing, so I got that going for me.
I set up a bucket trap in a storage area at the brewery and caught a chipmunk. Everyone thought that killing the chipmunk was sad so I had to stop. Caught another few mice with PB on traps.
Only advantage of the humane traps for me would be having the ability to release those mice at your enemy's home.
Reminds me of the time my dog caught a squirrel and a bystander decided to take the half dead squirrel to the vet. I'm a live and let live kind of guy but for fucks sake if it's living in a place that fucks my shit up then it's bye bye.
#7 taken care of today. I'm am now going all Bill Murray Caddyshack on them. My wife thinks I'm losing it. I told her if I'm going to eliminate the enemy I must first learn to think like the pack rat, act like a pack rat. Yes it means I will have to shit where I eat and sleep afterall it is the pack rat way. This is my path now, the madness won't stop until my truck is free of these creatures. Wish me luck.
easyrdr, I do not doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion.
Don’t forget the piss. Piss on everything, but especially the trail you want your fellow rodents to travel to get to your shit-hovel. Nothing more distinctive-smelling than packrat piss. I can tell immediately if they have taken residence in the living area of a backcountry cabin.
Attachment 431793
peck·ish | \ ˈpe-kish \
Definition of peckish
1 chiefly British : HUNGRY
peck·ish (pĕk′ĭsh)
1. Ill-tempered; irritable.
2. Chiefly British Somewhat hungry.
Now I’m annoyed that people don’t understand ‘Murican…