when people that say things are random. OMG it's so random the they have a Giants coat here!
No its fucking not, we live less than 80 miles from the city, the Giants won the World Series last year, and it's a clothing store (men's warehouse).
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when people that say things are random. OMG it's so random the they have a Giants coat here!
No its fucking not, we live less than 80 miles from the city, the Giants won the World Series last year, and it's a clothing store (men's warehouse).
a dull can opener. sooooooooo annoying.
Exams. Crap
Happened to me Saturday. Go to a bar, order a draft beer, get the cold beer in a hot glass right out of the dishwasher. Take a few seconds a grab me at least a room temperature glass.
Little kids' 2-10 year old birthday parties.
One year old, ok. We all drink and congratulate the parents on keeping the kid alive for a year. Then we start to expect it and dont need to be at your house annually as you celebrate your little miracle. By ten or eleven years old, I expect you to take care of my kid while I have a drink at the local.
Ummm... no. Waters down the beer.
Cleaning saunas.
1. Shitty drivers in the left lane.
2. Smelly dish sponges, or the lazy fucks that don't ring them out to dry.
3. Shitty drivers.
I stared in bewilderment for a solid 30 seconds the first time I saw this in Dublin. I knew they did it with cider but had never seen it done with beer. Coors Light seems to be the only one too. Didn't see any other shit beers (bud, heineken, etc.) diluted in this method.
People who redneck walk their dogs.
People that don't understand what all a frozen mug can do to good beer. If you like to pay $13 for a chimay and actually like what it does to a beer, that's fine, but at least know about it, then go buy yourself some elephant.
Precisely. No, I obviously wouldn't put Chimay or any good beer in a frosted mug. But ever been to a friends house on a hot August day and all they have is Coors Light, Miller Lite, Keystone Light, Busch Light, Bud Light, or any other cheap lite beer that rednecks love? A frosty mug makes an ice cold crappy beer pretty danged drinkable, and gasp...even somewhat enjoyable on a roasting triple degree day.
Annoying shit? Hipster beer snobs that thumb their noses at any beer that isn't craft or micro but still drink PBR.
Stupid threads about babies and third-hand smoke.
Facebook annoyance: radio stations, etc. that put up those "bet you can't solve this retardedly easy arithmetic problem" posts that every moron on earth feels compelled to answer--usually incorrectly.
know it all Jeopardy contestants...
Yeah, but you don't get to banish anyone to dark corners except for your teddy bears when you catch them with your mom, you kool-aid filled frosty glass drinkin muthafucka!
children that don't know their place...
fake mountain personas. I have a buddy who talks like a mountain bro constantly, kind of like a ski bum spicolli, until his phone rings and it his is boss.
“Brah, I’m just a gypsy ski bum who only needs a cold peeber, untracked pow lines, a fresh bowl and fat sticks to be happy.”
Ring ring.
The spicolli voice magically transforms into mr. businessman voice… “oh, hello mr. bossman, yes sir, I’ll have those reports expedited right away sir. And it looks like those budget numbers will need to be finalized before our next board meeting. Yes sir, goodbye sir. (spicolli voice returns) Anywaaaay, as I was saying, this happy ski bum is just one pow turn away from going pro, brah.”
And every, and I mean EVERY facebook photo of his are his skis juxtaposed with a can of pbr.
taxes, why does it have to be so complicated.
It gets so humid around here that mugs in the freezer get a 1/4" layer of ice on them just through opening and closing the door.
Speaking of beer annoyances: Bartenders who don't pour beer with a head, or worse those who don't fully open the tap when they pour, thus wasting a good 1/2 glass or more in foam they pour off before they serve that shit.
And one that's apropos for me at the moment: Assholes who sue you for "wrongful termination" after you caught them moonlighting using your equipment & your letter head to do "side-work" during normal office hours. Fuck you.
runny scrambled eggs......