If I ever own my own business, I’m going to paint however many handicapped spots are required by law and leave the whole rest of the lot blank. I’m pretty confident it’ll be fine
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No different than here December to Mid March!
Pretty much here too. Local grocery mall has a few cement dividers and handicapped signage near the main entrance, but the parking lines are non-existent for 4months of the year. Somehow we survive, even when the drive through line at Timmie’s forces folk to walk in to get their fix. Funny is that in the summer season the tourists in rental motor homes, and Albertans with trailers, that are the vehicles that mess with the peace. For some reason they won’t head to the back of the lot but I blame the design for most of that.
We've got a hard enough time stopping the tourists from driving on the bike path and just stopping in the middle of the road. Your parking lots sound straight up civilized.
Embrace the chaos.
And contractors going to Home Depot? I feel sorry for your brain. Inventory your consumables and get your materials delivered. Same dude go to the lumber yard twice a week. Making life hard seems like a choice.
Folks might be shocked at the parking stall dimension requirements from town to town. I design sites for a large commercial client we have all heard of all across the west and 2 towns side by side can have min stall dimensions of (8'x14') and the other (10'x21'). Its also wild how different the number of required stalls can be- for the same exact building and use it can be 12 stalls up to 42 stalls. Not to mention driveaisle widths, compact stalls, etc. Its all over the place, being rural, urban, suburban has no bearing from what ive seen... the only known is the number of ADA stalls required- because thats federal code.
Also, parking garages are fucking nightmares and i have warned, in writing, clients that the architects design will not accomodate anything larger than a sedan...and then they dont and jurisdictions get pissed at all the public complaints. The problem is that parking stalls are incredibly valuable in those big urban buildings' parking garages (as it allows more units to be built) so they get crammed in wherever juuuuuust barely fits. Its all about that $$$.
Same architects designed the parking decks under the Rideau Center in Ottawa. Fucking top of the class, those geniuses.
Well, it wouldn't be THAT big of a deal to begin with if more people drove non-behemoths. Whenever I go downtown, or anywhere else that parking might be tight, I bring my little hatchback. Fits a family of 4 just fine. I always get a chuckle out of people squeeeeeeezing their Tahoes through the parking garages, clearing the roof by mere inches and struggling to park at all. I see a tiny spot and I'm like "I'll take that!" Especially satisfying when parallel parking in spots where trucks/SUVs fear to tread.
Whip on in there like:
Easily my favorite commercial of all time.
Even here in Big Bad JH, I always try and drive wifeys little escape. So much easier.
The best way to reduce swelling in the legs is to walk, or if you can't, to actively flex the ankle up and down. Actively means using your calf muscles. There's a big group of big veins in the calf muscles (soleus plexus) with one way valves so when you use the calf muscles they act like a pump and squeeze blood and fluid towards the heart. When not actively using those muscles elevate, obviously.
Being told that I need a total shoulder replacement two months after having a ‘repair’ of a previous surgery is annoying me.
Whoa that really sucks more than annoys. Vibes man
I’m still gonna shred Lithium by September!
In other news, 100% gridlock from the Village to Wilson Bridge.
Worse than any traffic in San José, C.R. For the last month!
It’s gonna suck until they do the repair on the bridge etc. and it’ll probably suck after.
Attachment 489613
Thanks, man! I’m still a very positive person, in general. Could be way worse.
At this point it ain’t even complaining, it’s just “Get a load of this, guys…what’s next?”
It is great to be home, though!
Dude... We're gonna change your name from Rideit to Watch it.
When your town sits in the middle of the NYC watershed and every watercourse drains into a reservoir there are onerous restrictions. NYC sued my town to get rid of the recycling drop and they won. That was ~10 years after they forced us to shut down the brush dump that was there for 80 years. We've always had to pay for garbage pickup and if it doesn't fit in the can you have to get a dumpster or take it to a metal recycler (and those are all more than 20 miles away).
Tiger balm, icy hot, leg up on the wall, compression bandage, have all been working well. Read this last night and went out for a 5km walk and guess what - the swelling is like 80% gone. I swear there was a moment around km #4 where I could feel mobility return and things sort of loosen up. This morning, I can see my ankle again! Now it'll just be a matter of ignoring soreness while I ski but that's easy.
You should consider a career in the medical industry...
Buttahflake cunting up the Euro BBI thread with his pettiness and jealousy is really annoying
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I wonder how many they wrecked before they got that shot. There's a lot of rubber on the concrete.
Family that lived down the street rented another neighbors garage for their motor boat. The neighborhood as late 1920's, the driveways are very narrow and the houses very close together with detached garages in the back. The entertainment on weekends was listening to the dad, with his huge booming voice, instucting teenage son as the kid tried to back the boat into the garage It was good for at least a half hour. But I got to hand it to both father and son--neither ever lost their cool.
Been there done that. I'm going skiing.
I wonder how many they wrecked before they got that shot. There's a lot of rubber on the concrete.
Family that lived down the street rented another neighbors garage for their motor boat. The neighborhood as late 1920's, the driveways are very narrow and the houses very close together with detached garages in the back. The entertainment on weekends was listening to the dad, with his huge booming voice, instucting teenage son as the kid tried to back the boat into the garage It was good for at least a half hour. But I got to hand it to both father and son--neither ever lost their cool.
Been there done that. I'm going skiing.
Jealousy Venom... worse than high beams coming over an off camber hill - fn clueless.
just wanna let him take his best shotz and then bitch slap him to the ground and take out a choice tendon and watch him writhe.
I saw it and chose to ignore.
Not Gonna waste 1 letter of the alphabet being triggered by a kumquat
Some deep-seated hate and the very definition of antistoke
Does it have to spill over into my happy place?
If you want to be really fucking annoyed try flying in a small plane from Denver to Gunnison full of entitled, loud Texans.
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