Frankly, just driving in the US annoys me to no end.
Mostly for all the reasons posted above this one.
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Frankly, just driving in the US annoys me to no end.
Mostly for all the reasons posted above this one.
Or accelerate into the open space ahead until you can reasonably move back over.
I will grant that the scenario described in the later post--doing 15-20 over while passing traffic--is a lot different than just "passing traffic". If you're doing 15-20 over the speed of the middle lane, I think you should get some understanding from the guy going 25+ behind you. If the middle lane is doing 10 over and you're doing +15, that's also different, and you should either make that pass like you mean it, with more of a differential, or slide back over until you're not obstructing faster traffic.
Of course, this is why I suck at using cruise in moderate traffic on the highway--I'll catch someone doing 5 under my speed, start going around, and end up applying a hefty dose of throttle to clear the passing lane before the faster guy behind me catches up. Next thing you know, I've gone 20 miles without getting back down to where I've got the cruise set.
As long as he doesn't just wake them up so they nab the next driver coming by.
BS. It's fine to cruise in the left lane if you're not holding up traffic. If someone is coming up behind you change lanes to the right, when you can do so without cutting off the people you're passing. If someone tries to merge right into a much slower lane they are decelerating to merge and then having to merge left and and then accelerate to pass the slower cars. All that braking and accelerating is dangerous.
Using the left lane only to pass may work on rural sections of the Autobahn (and not very well there, based on a recent car trip through Germany. There is a lot more traffic and especially truck traffic than there used to be.) It does not work on more crowded American roads where the road is at capacity even with all lanes occupied. If you drive somewhere where you can do that enjoy it, but don't expect for people to stay out of your way elsewhere.
I see it all the time, a crowded freeway, all lanes occupied and some bozo comes up on the left, tailgating one car, then another, then another, then another, expecting the left lane to clear out so he can speed at whatever speed he feels entitled to. I am fucking sick and tired at people who think they are entitled to go as fast as they want no matter how much traffic there is and expect the world to yield to them.
It's all the same entitlement just a different flavor:
- I can hang in the left lane if I want.
- Everyone should get to the right as soon as I come up behind them so I can drive whatever speed I want.
- I can turn right on red in front of traffic with a green even if it makes them slow down or slam on the brakes.
- I don't have to stop for pedestrians.
- I don't have to demonstrate intent before I step off the sidewalk in front of traffic.
- etc, etc.
No I didn't. That's my resting bitch mode.
There are a couple of light controlled intersection on 267 where people make rights on red in front of 55MPH + oncoming traffic. Most people have no idea how quickly those cars will be on them. Hopefully not texting. Those intersections should be no right on red.
That commercial where the old ladies buy butt pads from Amazon so they can go sledding annoys me.
Hah! I agree. Just the other day I subjected my son to a good three minute rant about how unrealistic that commercial was start to finish.
Also I almost got taken out today by a guy blowing through a stop sign- didn’t slow down at all. If there would have been traffic coming the other way and I couldn’t swerve, he’d have hit me full speed right in the passenger side mirror.
As a doctor I saw that ad as a business opportunity. I think injuries per sledder/hour are higher than injuries per skier/hour (based on zero data) although the injuries are primarily to the spine. Old ladies shouldn't be sledding. Still, I like the ad. I like the ads with polar bears sliding on the snow too--what are those--beer, coke?
When you're driving on a highway and have a right turn coming up that has no turn lane, and you've got traffic gaining on you from behind. They seem to always catch up just as you're getting to that turn.
Had that happen today. If I can I'll pull off to the right side of the road and let them pass. There was nowhere to do that today. So I put my signal on about 500 ft from the turn and started to slow down. About .5 seconds before I was going to start to turn, dumbass behind me decides to go for the pass. This is exactly what I worry about happening so I was watching my mirror. WTF....
Hey dog, I usually can’t tell anyone correctly on left or right, so I really can’t tell if you were turning this right or that right, but it sure sounds left…
Haha yeah, was turning left. Trying to fix it from my phone it will nuke the post. But thx for point it out.
High wasted bikinis annoy me. Such a waste of a nice body.
in the Colorado backcountry FB group, someone posted a picture of a guy with a sign that said "all season tires are not snow tires". That isn't annoying.
What is annoying is that people on there -- including the guy who made the post -- are clueless about what IS a snow tire. They are arguing that the 3PMSF symbol means it's a snow tire. FFS. You would think a group dedicated to backcountry skiing would have a little more sense.
New symbol just dropped to put those guys in their place:
Attachment 477956
Icy peak denoting it has passed an ice rating certification.
I feel like this
Attachment 477960
But FFS, people trying to tell me that 3PMSF means snow tire, and that I just like to argue because I am saying otherwise, is maddening. The guy "lives on the side of the mountain" and apparently thinks his BFG KO2s are snow tires. SMDH.
I just want people to know what is and isn't a snow tire, not to be "right" but to make sure people know the limitations of their equipment. I don't drive dedicated snows, I drive 3PMSF AT tires, but I know that I have made a trade-off in doing so.
Pro tip: if you found your tire in the ‘All Terrain’ category, it’s an All Terrain tire, it’s not a Winter/Snow tire. Conversely, if you found your tire in the ‘Winter/Snow’ category, then it is in fact a winter/snow tire.
Attachment 477965
Hope that helps.
Yo Left Lane Landlord - you ain't paid to enforce the laws, or any particular traffic paradigm. And I hate to be the first one to tell you this, but you're not paid to form judgements about others' use of the left lane either - you're enough of a clerk to see that to do so denies another soul autonomy, a dark road in itself.
So next time you get sick and tired of another self-involved goddamn Californian exercising his chin-high right to make ass in your left lane, check your privilege and check to see if you haven't sped up while he's trying to pass. Dollars to doh-nutz you did and didn't even know it. That typa shits rampant with ENTJ-crank personality...
So sit back and let him have that left lane. It won't hurt one bit. He's lived his entire life for that penultimate moment of glory. Don't try to take it from him.
Drunks yelling in the hot tub at the airbnb next door the last two hours, I should be sleeping
Got a toaster and long cord?
Folks selling boots on fb marketplace unbuckled, they are always unbuckled.
I laffed!
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I don't care how somebody wants to slide down the mountain but there are a lot of snowboarders who need to take a lesson in mountain etiquette. Do they really need to plop their asses down en masse and clog up the area where you get off of the lift? Or a group that stops and hangs out across a marked trail? I like to give them a face full of snow when they decide to take up too much space. Or as my 80 year old father calls it "give 'em a territorial pissing, they'll figure it out".
In fairness, when it came out, the 3PMSF logo did indicate snow tires, even if the performance standard is far below that of real snow tires. I'd love it if manufacturers would release actual performance scores so we could readily see if a tire barely passed the logo test or fully crushed it.
The last pair of 3PMSF-rated AT tires I had were terrifying on firm snow, let alone ice, and I'd be very curious to see actual test data for them.
That is not my understanding, but I'm no tire expert. My understanding is that the 3PMSF has always been about a tire meeting a certain standard, but never was intended to -- and never did -- supplant the category of dedicated winter/snow tires (ie tires you only put on for certain parts of the year).
Going of memory here, but I believe when the 3PMSF symbol was introduced ~20 years ago only the current true snow/winter tires could pass the test to gain approval (test is just for accelerating 10% faster than a ‘reference’ all-season tire on medium packed snow). Now with advancements in tire design many all season tires can now pass that test.
But true snow/winter tires provide even more snow traction, as well as better ice traction than even the best current all-season/all-weather tires.