This has just happened to me (54) since January of this year, didn't help that I got a chalazion on my eyelid in March. I'm still really good with far away and detail but close up now I need those stupid 1.25 readers, it's been an adjustment.
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I was very nearsighted until Lasik in 2003, then had perfect vision for almost 20 years. Now the eyes have started their downward slide, both distance and close. :(
Summers here. They’ve gotten too hot for my enjoyment. Now that it’s cooling off I’m getting happier again. The heat annoys me anymore.
What the fuck is this?
Attachment 500385
the wing stop delivery commercial that opens with the sound of a door bell ringing and causes my dogs to lose their shit.
Annoys me, but also amuses me at times…
My dog flips out when he hears a screeching eagle or hawk on the TV.
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Movies or tv showing a bald eagle....and using a redtail hawk audio.
Long, slow road turns that have multiple radii.
Oh, and pretentious twats that sling words like "radii" around.
Windows 11, which was installed without my permission. The laptop doesn't work right. The printers don't work right (with Windows 11 drivers.) Chrome doesn't work right. TGR doesn't work right. (OK, TGR has never worked right. Can't blame that on Microsoft I spose.)
Every other on/off ramp in this town works that way. It’s like the designer said, “okay, where should we put the straight section?” I hope one of our homeless people is the guy who designed them and then lost his job for it.
To call back from a couple pages ago, every third driver here comes to a complete stop before merging onto the highway. It’s utter insanity.
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time for one of them white sticks...
I think I've officially heard it all now. :rolleyes:
The “airport tray aesthetic” trend is going viral on social media, and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has responded.
On TikTok, the trend showcases passengers laying out their airport essentials in an aesthetically pleasing manner. For example, one video shared on TikTok last month featured a group of women at the security line in an airport.
the tactical edc guys been on that shit.
I'll admit I'm just too old to understand some trends, but I can't see understanding this one at any age. Although I guess the whole "record every aspect of your life" thing is part of the "just too old" thing.
Yep - lean in, man...
Okay, I'll take a photo of my lunch later today and post it on Instagram :)
maybe. I have readers already but don't need them/use them unless trying to decipher Ikea furniture instructions, but that day is getting closer and closer.
I have distance glasses but don't generally need them/use them except in the car at night.
Going to the optometrist today, we'll see what the new verdict is.