Fine, we’ll use bungee cords
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Seems like a good application for some camo'd motion sensitive cams strategically placed, and then forward footage to appropriate authorities.
That's why it's not something I would ever consider. That shit is actually one of my biggest fears when riding. There are people in the upper Cottonwoods who hate bikers and like to drag big sticks into blind corners on trails they think should be closed to bikes (Honeycomb for Wasatch people, although I'm sure there've been others). I've come real close to crashing hard due to one of these, and always wonder if whoever is responsible isn't going to escalate once they realize a stick can be dragged off the trail.
A low wire would be similar, doubt it would decapitate you but it could certainly lead to a mean wreck if it stopped the wheel or caught a pedal/drivetrain. A high wire would be deadly at pretty much any speed. Buddy of mine nearly lost his head to one while longboarding when we were young and dumb. Slid under the full face helmet, collapsed his trachea. It was a cow fence, not something intentional. Scariest thing I've ever seen. There's a recent video floating around of mountain bikers hitting a cow wire on a dirt road, it's heinous. Bodies flopping like ragdolls.
I'm not interested in getting medieval over a rut in the park, I'm just trying not to get run over... Worst I'd do would be to drag a bunch of big branches across where the dudes are riding. Not something they'd miss since there's line of sight, it would just force them to get off the bike and move the branches to keep riding, a minor annoyance.
In case you're worried, I don't have easy access to landmines either.
Spike strips buried in the dirt a bit?
Heh, I found the thread. It was Parvo who bear sprayed a dude. Great story.
Where is Parvo anyway?
last activity 9 days ago, last post 2+ years ago
So many chapters. Love to see it.
Is MTT still alive? Nothing would surprise me.
last posted a couple of months ago
Lee Roy’s new around here.
If this is in Utah can’t you just “stand your ground” when the bikers come flying down the path at you? Just don’t shoot them in the back and you should be all set. No need to be tricky with ropes or spikes.
Attachment 492282
Havana Syndrom??
I thought that was just the Cubans playing the brown note near our embassy?
Brown note? Like from a fart gun?
Brown Note= Ween+South Park
What happens when you play a brown note?