Waiting for a Mag and fam in Williston for two hours so far.
Annoyed with border delays
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Waiting for a Mag and fam in Williston for two hours so far.
Annoyed with border delays
Alburgh Springs. Annoying that they were taking so long with cars. Also annoyed at myself for taking an Apple Maps suggested route, I should know better. At least I was right and it was a nice relaxing drive through the islands back to Burlington once we got over the border.
Ya, the Springs crossing is a trap. Google took me there last summer, long after it had closed. The other one which comes out on VT 225 is clutch. I've used it sometimes in the other direction too. It puts the airport at about 70 minutes from my house. If you don't get stuck behind a farm tractor. Either way, Google is not always trustworthy.
Feels like I can’t park within a 1/4 mile of the entrance a Lowes/Home Depot. They’ve got rows and rows for handicapped, veterans, pregnant moms, curbside pickup, “Pro Parking”.
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Just park in the Pro parking. Ive seen parking for electric cars only (that do not have charging stations) in some parking lots. I understand the handicapped parking and hopefully I'll never have to use it but all of the other ones are fair game. I like to jam my old '77 F-250 into the electric car only spots whenever I can. Fuck 'em.
The walk ain’t bad, either. You could also just accept the exercise as the gift that it is.
Fond memories of crossing from Quebec into Vermont in the 70s in a VW bug. They searched us for a couple of hours--took the seats out of the car, went through our bags. We had nothing to hide.
I generally park in the outer reaches of parking lots as soon as possible after I turn in. Driving through parking lots is annoying.
Ha! They took the inside of my Datsun apart in January 1985. The US customs moron only had 1 arm so it took him 2 hours to take out my driver's seat. After about 3 hours another car pulled up around 5am, he looked at me and said "You need to go now". I put the car in neutral and pushed it into a spot, locked it and started to hitch a ride to a town to get tools when he said I had to leave the border area before sticking my thumb out :the_finge
You guys know anyone can sign up for Home Depot's "Pro" program right?
The original intention of the ‘e-Car’ close in and free parking was to help change the culture of fossil fuel use in the U.S., and possibly present attractive advantages, however small. Also to help the F250 crowd accept that they are dinosaurs, and headed for extinction.
The truck is truly a dinosaur. A well preserved dinosaur and not a daily driver but fun to ride around in. I get the e-car thing. I understand the "perks" that places throw at the e-car crowd. But still, I don't think there should be special parking for a certain kind of vehicle unless it's a bus or a motorcycle or something like that.