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I work part time at an outdoor store, which right now in winter is a cross-country ski shop. Guy walks in with his wife and two kids. He’s wearing a black sweatshirt, cowboy hat, cowboy boots. The black sweatshirt has writing on the front that is like a dictionary quote with big “gun control” (guhnkuhn-trohl), and some finer print that I can’t read below it. On his hip is a ginormous handgun of some kind in a holster, and also in the middle of his back is a big knife in some other sort of holster. The son is wearing camo, the daughter’s in all black. The wife is in all black as well.
This happens pretty often in Eastern Washington where I live. This Second Amendment shit is their whole existence.
I often joke that I fly fish, but I sure as shit don’t walk around with my waders on.