I'd rather pick them up from the shitshow at the PO than try to guess which too-lazy-to-drop-them-off-at-my-house neighbor has them.
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JFC, the mother-fucking root canal mechanic hit a nerve with the anaesthesia, which caused shaking and mild hyperventilation. He then proceeded to fuck up, and accidentally drill through the tooth and into the bone. Oops. He says he ‘thinks he fixed it’.
And the pharmacy across the street is out of Oxy or Hydrocodone.
And it’s after 5:00.
I am NEVER having this proceedure done again without general anaesthesia, If I can.
But don’t let that stop you….
Had a similar dental root canal experience but managed to find relief relatively quickly. Never schedule root canals, or anything invasive at all for that matter, in the afternoon.
The young one that comes from IF, across from Whole Foods.
I seriously think his dental assistants weren’t even 19 years old. NTTIAWWT.
My regular dentist is Cat at Teton Dental arts (in Smith Plaza), she’s great.
This guy only does root canals (Endotics).
My periodontist's office annoys me
- They do not pre-run things by insurance to give me a "today" price for the cleaning, like my dentist does
- They send me a bill for my portion (after insurance has paid its share), but their bill has no means to pay online, you have to mail a check/cc info or call
- They send me a statement a month later indicating that I am "past due"
- They call and email a month after that demanding payment
The bill in question? $40 (they've already been paid $70 by insurance). For a provider that I see 2x year and have been going to for years But apparently just waiting until I show up again, or having a modern payment system that allows me to pay online, is too much trouble for them, and instead they would rather spend time and money on sending me these bills and calling me.
I get ever so slightly annoyed at social media posts stating how present and mindful the poster is feeling. if you value those things then why do you ruin it seeking external validation?
Don't get me wrong I value both, but I also realize they are not complimentary.
After my dental visit yesterday, we decided it was time to address the tooth that needs a root canal. Per rideit's info and some texting I deduced that I was going to the same place but getting the brother Dr. of the one rideit got.
I promptly called back and changed my Dr. to the chief guy. One degree of separation just didn't seem like enough with the brothers.
This place pays off again.
Attachment 472425
Clickbait has always been annoying, but at least before AI the headlines were coherent.
Good ole Van Vaught!
Fucking ebay! That is all.
This is the screen you get after hitting the button “Reject All”
Attachment 472489
Just amazing
Ultra local issue.
Dang kids these days. 40+ years ago UVM had a solution. They put in a tunnel a few hundred yards down the road. Im not sure what happened to it when they built the Davis center. There's no question that it is a dangerous place to cross on a busy street. It's freaking US Route 2 for crying out loud. And it's hard enough as it is to drive in and out of Burlington. Don't make it harder. They need to go back to not allowing pedestrians to cross there. Tunnel AND bridge if they have to. I just can't get over how the students think the cars are the problem.
Main Street should go underground just below Prospect street and emerge just past the Spear street exchange. Make the whole top of the hill the university with just local access. It would improve thru traffic flow immensely.
While they are planning that they also need a tunnel from Battery Street to the belt line to get all that traffic out of the Old North End. I’ve thought about this a lot as I’m kind of a boring person.
I am going to respectfully disagree on a main street road tunnel. It's not our fault the way UVM has decided to develop the top of the hill. They should adjust to the road not the other way around. Generally, yes, I do prefer fewer roads, want things people centric, etc and normally I would agree with you. I'm annoyed by UVM's arrogance in thinking they own Burlington and the students' arrogance in ignoring the past solution that was put in when their parents were children. Burying the road puts the expense on us, the taxpayer. If UVM wants a contiguous campus, they should pay for it. If they acted more like a state university and in state students were served better, ok, ya, maybe I'll foot more of the bill. A people tunnel and a people bridge would be cheaper and less disruptive than burying the road. Also it's about time US 2 just bypassed Burlington entirely. [My family has four generations of involvement with UVM both as employees and or students.]
As someone that went to university in the middle of Philadelphia, having to navigate much larger intersections than those in Burlington, I can only laugh and cry regarding the perceived distress these students face each day.
77 vehicles breaking the law and running a red light in an hour at a public marked and signalized crosswalk is not a taxpayer, enforcement or vehicle behavior issue and is in fact is a pedestrian and UVM issue? Tell me more...
Sure, the solution is to separate the pedestrians from the cars via a tunnel probably (bridges don't work), but this isn't a pedestrian behavior issue as presented.
Lol. Ya. Name any big city school, right? I was sitting in the student building at MIT one weekend afternoon while my HS kid attended Splash. A car did a u-turn in the massive crosswalk, while people were using it.
That said, the stretch of road from the Jug handle to Prospect Street really sucks for pedestrians and cars alike. Flounder isn't entirely wrong. Burying Main street under UVM would be pretty cool for a lot of reasons. I just have a chip on my shoulder about UVM, especially because in the late 70s they built a pedestrian tunnel for this exact reason. The crosswalks all got closed, no pedx allowed. I used to ride my bicycle through it, stairs and all. And then at some point they changed their minds.