Shit that annoys me... Both Cookie Monster and Mr. T are no longer offered on Waze. I'm assuming, with some effort, I can probably find the voices somewhere.
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He did say grad school, right? Moving home and unable to deal with unwanted furniture? This is a full on adult here. Did she land a job, or is she planning to live with mom and pops in perpetuity?
Storage unit?
I don’t care how old my daughter is. If she asks for help her dad will always help her.
Yup grad school. Yup, unable because she doesn't drive and her boyfriend's car doesn't run often enough to be useful. Nope not a full on adult, calendar says so but... No. Job? hahaha :( She got a volunteer gig teaching ESL overseas for 10 months :rolleyes:
And, what Buzz said ;)
Ticks, I fucking hate them. Taken over a dozen off last couple of days.
Sunday: power washed 1800sf of green concrete (not fresh concrete, but accumulated winter PNW organics) and brought out the outdoor furniture. Wife planted about 50 plants and weeded the landscaping. Even played some corn hole before dinner in the mild weather. Outlook for the week? Sunny and unseasonably warm. Ready for the change in weather/season.
Monday: nice day until 5p when we had a two hour deluge of a rain storm roll in. Gutters were choking and overflowing, not from debris, but from volume of flow. It was insane. Thunder, lighting: whole shebang. Flood and forest debris all over the yard, patio and furniture.
Just gotta laugh.
Unfortunately here in Maine they carry a bunch of nasty diseases
The White Rim permitting system annoys the fuck out of me.
I think anyone who is not a parent can STFU with opinions about parenting. MTM, I'm looking at you. Each situation is different and there's probably a lot you don't know, nor should you know, in any given backstory. Do parents sometimes do too much for their kids? Yes. Do we realize it, if not in the moment, then down the road? Usually. Are we trying the best we can? Yes.
Even as a parent I’m hesitant to give advice. No parents know what they’re doing and all kids are different.
Well, back when it was "stay up to midnight 3 nights in a row" that was annoying, but at least I got permits. But now, with the mega 3 month release at one time, it seems much harder. I am on there right at 8am, see campsites available, click on them, get my whole itinerary lined up, click "book", and get the error message that one or more of my selected campsites are not available, so I start over, see different campsites available, click on them, line up my 3 night itinerary, and click book, and the same error message. Got that 3 times as all of the campsites slowly disappeared, each time they were available when I refreshed, but in the 10 seconds it took me to pick 3 and click book, one or more of them had been snagged. Over and over.
Can someone check the box fan? Trying to post this morning has been really annoying.
Edit: inevitable that this would be the post that actually worked. Thanks to whoever gave the fan a kick to get it going again.
Just came here to post this. I mean, I know it comes with the territory in Colorado, but I just had this replaced 6 months ago. Big ass truck hauling ass in opposing lane in a 35 mph zone tossed off a bunch of rocks, the crack grew in the morning sun so never had time for even a chip repair. Glass insurance yes but it will still cost me time on top of another glass deductible. Annoying that it's right in my field of view otherwise I'd say F it.
Also- truckers who don't sweep off their trucks. Annoying!
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