There's certainly something to be said for having a stable email address, especially for things like password retrieval from accounts you've forgotten about.
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There's certainly something to be said for having a stable email address, especially for things like password retrieval from accounts you've forgotten about.
Literally the first time I’ve heard of someone not using their address in perpetuity and also mentioning Dartmouth twice in every conversation.
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Dated someone back when I lived in San Diego who had a Harvard degree, Anthropology or History maybe. Hilarious to hear from my circle of friends how she’d work it into conversations. Half my group of friends were in the indie rock / art ‘career’ path, gave zero fucks about her Harvard degree, other half were biotech etc and all had PhD’s, gave zero fucks about someone’s undergrad degree. All this deflated her, which was amusing.
My wife's M.Ed is from Harvard. Her PhD is from Tufts. It is rare (like, really rare) that the schools she went to come up in social conversations, but if they do people rarely ask or care about the masters once they realize she has a PhD. It's all about perspective I guess...
She uses Gmail for personal email fwiw. She does have a Harvard address, but it's her work account as the hospital she works at is affiliated with the medical school.
The dumbest postdoc I had the misfortune of working with did his undergrad at Harvard. It went downhill from there, PhD from some shithole in the midwest and postdoc at the U of U which will never be regarded as a prestigious institution in my field.
He was VERY keen on mentioned Harvard but never bothered clarifying that he only did his undergrad there and not grad/post grad education. He still used his Harvard email instead of his UofU email and had everything forwarded to and from the more prestigious box. The whole thing was really weird since everyone around him knew full well that going from Harvard to the U isn't a sign of brilliance, just evidence that mom and dad's money could buy his entrance into undergrad but once the real selection process began shit began to unravel.
If Christians want to help the oppressed based on the alleged teachings of some Jew 2000+ years ago, more power to them. We'll see if Hobby Lobby is serious or just Jesus-washing. There was a time when when liberation theology was a significant faction of the Catholic church in Latin America (see the assassination of Archbishop Romero). There were the antiwar activities of the Berrigan brothers. And in Sacramento the Jesuit brothers were sending kids off to get arrested protesting the School of the Americas--the US torture school for Latin American despots. Which is funny--although the parents didn't think so--because Jesuit is the number one jock school in Sacramento. Seems like that strain of progressive religion is out of favor for the most part. (My son's MIL is a very progressive minister in Truckee--with a tiny congregation). Now religions just want to tell everyone else how to live.
My kid has a MPH from Harvard--like every other unsuccessful med school applicant waiting to apply again. Although in his case he got it in the middle of his residency for reasons that escape me, but at least it was free. My wife likes to tell people he's in a Harvard residency--whch is true, although it's the 3rd tier of Harvard's residencies, not MGH (#1,) or Brigham and Women's (#2).
Yeah. I don’t think it’s Jesus that most people have a problem with. He seemed pretty chill, actually. It’s all the people running the churches that are the assholes
I have a addy and one from a small college in western mass. Never occurred to me to use them. I should log on and find out how much spam is on them.
Like the bumper stickers "Dear God, please protect me from your followers..."
A huge contingent of the Christian religious right should be walking around with bloody stumps at the neck, because their heads exploded.
They had kittens that Clinton had an affair, and made "family values" and all the other stink around "values matter" etc. But then when naked power shows up and offers them SC justices in exchange for their souls, they couldn't toss down fast enough.
If you believe in karma, justice, or God's judgement, well, I'd hate to be those folks when the balance comes due.
Shit fucking gotdamnit motherfucking cunt ass shit fucker no good sonofabitch assface monkey shit crap dumbfuck fucking fuck fuck.
What a way to start a Friday.
Must be a client dropping some real bullshit on a Friday morning. That happens way too often.
“It’s Super Bowl weekend Carl! You dick”
I try not to be a realist, I try to be an optimist… But I know, deep down in my heart, that Fridays really are the new Saturdays…Fridays used to be rad.
Wouldn’t that raise Thursdays up in Radness?
(That’s me being an optimist!)
Getting old is annoying…
Rope drop for Devil’s Castle yesterday. Was about 80th in line outside the gate at Sugarloaf. Had already committed to going all the way to the wall. Was through the initial crux and about 1/2 way on this long right foot climb and already down to only 10 or so in front of me. The plan was playing out as expected. Started the final heavier sidestep up the last pitch when - slap! Felt something in my right calf. F@&k! Had to stop and assess. Something had definitely just ripped. Stood aside and only 1 more went past over the next few minutes. Gathered myself and knew I couldn’t continue. My R leg was useless and I’m in the middle of DC traverse looking at a bunch of untracked. I skied out but now how I imagined (on one leg). How do you pull a muscle on the traverse on day 37 on snow….
Getting old sucks.
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Yeah, FUCK Monday, right in its sorry ass.