That annoys you
Gotta bring the thread back on point
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Crave TV (essentially HBO Max + other stuff in Canada) has a Black Friday deal - $119 for an annual price if you sign up for a year. My current annual plan expires Nov 24, and will be $199. The offer email I got (which is sent out to subscribers) is that this price is good for "New, returning, and upgrading customers." Website won't let me do this, so I send them an email. The answer I get is that I am not eligible for this. But what I can do is cancel my subscription, wait until Nov 25, and sign up again with the offer.
This seems stupid to me. Can they not just make a couple of clicks and lock me in for a year on the discounted rate? Why make me actually cancel something - isn't this like their #1 thing they want to avoid??
a waste of time AND money
why bother?
the only reason I’m able to watch stuff on Amazon is I get Prime for free - otherwise I wouldn’t watch anything
and I pirate all my footy - I won’t pay for that either
So you WATCH it, you just refuse to PAY for it. Got it.
yeah I’ll watch a movie here and there
and a soccer game once in a while
but no I certainly won’t pay for it
I don’t know what you mean
Attachment 434383
Hot ranch sauce?
^^ File under shit that ruins you day, this would be more than a regular annoyance!!
Old ass dog of ours is often fussy at night and we had to get used to her moving about a lot. In and out of the bedroom 10x a night, lots of huffing and puffing, licking of the paws and the cooch for a while, standard decrepit animal behavior. It's completely manageable with the door opened but lately one of the cats has become real needy and insists on sleeping under the covers. It was kinda cute at first but he got very entitled and will not tolerate any movement. You blink, you get the claw. You roll over, you get the hiss and the frantic escape attempts which involve lots of claws. You stay perfectly still, he either decides it's time for cleaning (cue lots of licking noises) or it's time for cuddling and loud purring. Ms Boissal is prego and sleeping poorly so she finally decided to boot the cat out of the bedroom and keep the door closed. Dog is usually good at waking us up, usually by planting her face on the bed a couple inches from our faces and breathing her poo-eating breath straight into our noses.
Late last night I wake up to some frantic pacing and a smell I can only describe as decaying rotten putrescence. It's making me see stars and gag violently. Dog is standing at the door with a trail of turds going from her bed to her feet, apparently this one came on too fast, she didn't have time to poison me with her breath to be let out, and she did what she had to do. I open the door to let her out and realize she's stepped in one of the piles. She takes off leaving the odd poopy print and the cat (who was waiting at the door to sneak in) immediately steps in a turd and jumps on the bed. Ms Boissal opens one eye, assesses the situations, at runs to the bathroom. Hurling sounds ensue. I grab the cat and haul him to the kitchen sink to wipe his paws. Retrace the dog steps cleaning as I go. Toss the dog bed outside. Change the comforter the cat walked on. Try to air out the bedroom (19 degrees out). Run outside to see if the dog is alright and find her eating a fresh turd. Finally get back in bed in a freezing bedroom to the sound of Ms Boissal retching. Can't fall asleep again. Great night, 7 more months to go before I have to switch from animal shit to human shit.
is a wonderful story
I don't listen to her music, but obviously she is. You don't stay on top in the music business for over 15 years without a lot of talent. She's no flash in the pan that's for sure. Just imagine the Rolling Stones 16 years in was around 1980 and they released Emotional Rescue. That's where Taylor is in her career even though she still seems young to most of us.
My 19 yo daughter wants me to take her to see Springsteen - that doesn't annoy me (except the ticket prices).
OMG. I'm an awful person. I couldn't stop laughing. Pro tip once you have a baby human, keep the business end covered at all times. I still remember getting sprayed with shit from my waste to my forehead by thing #1 while I was half asleep and rushing through a 2am diaper change to get back in the warm bed. Thing #1 was slightly premature and very small. Both the doc and my wife didn't think it was funny when I asked if the baby could go back in the oven to finish cooking. Anyway, thing #1 nursed every two hours, rain or shine for the entire first year. There was no "sleep training" possible. Doc said we could after a year. And guess what? We didn't have to. At exactly a year the kid slept through the night. Anyway, I feel your pain with the cat walking in the poop. I've had that recently, 13 yo dog can't hold it as long as he used to. Plus we have the whole door thing going on too. Cue Benny Hill and yakety sax.
Fortunately my wife isn't pregnant. She'd have some serious explaining to do if she was.
Boissal, don't think of it as a switch from dealing animal shit to human shit. Think of it as a switch to dealing with animal shit AND human shit.
the amount of shit a tiny baby can produce is astounding
Always getting sick from my wife. Fuck!
Boissal taking "shit that annoys you" far to literally. :)
Thanks all for the words of encouragement. I full expect to get worked all day and all night with this new experience, and will be venting in this thread anytime I get a chance.
Fuck, you're right. And it's not the first time I post about the dog and her poopy shenanigans. Last time she burped a turd into Ms Boissal's face, I guess there's some interesting novelty there.
Boissal owning this thread today