I laughed, even tho it’s kind of sad too.
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Friend sent us an invite to a Rocky Horror thing his new girlfriend is involved with. Was cagey about the location and flyer mentions 'open play after performance'. Alarm bells start ringing.
Checked the address and sure enough, swingers club and public BDSM dungeon.
The adult equivalent of getting tricked into going to Sunday school.
Fucking AT&T:the_finge
Service out all day so far. Working today after taking yesterday off. Picked up some supplies and get to job site. Have a couple of important calls to make to get answers for clients questions concerning possible change order. By time I figure out service is going to stay fucked the suppliers have closed 'til Monday. Run two minutes home to inquire through website about the issue. "We'll send a code to 802-***-**** for you to enter to prove it's you" SHOVE THE CODE UP YOUR ASS!
Finally able to get an answer on the 'book. "Service should be up by 10/31" FUCK YOU!!
My partner's ex's partner. For some reason they think we live in the ghetto. We live in a condo (which is probably worth the same as their house in the next town over) in a nice neighborhood and there's an undeveloped commercial property next to us. Her tone when she asked what it was was pretty snooty and made it seem like they're worried it's going to be an open air drug market or some such shit. We have a crawl space and were getting stuff out of there, she acted like we just had a gaping hole in our floor (it's in an under the stairs closet).
One of the kids is a bit of a dawdler, which can be annoying, and this afternoon they came to pick them up on short notice then bitch at him when his stuff isn't ready to go.
Not sure why, but this creepy mascot…
Attachment 390990
Red licorice hair, I'd eat him.
Generally but not in my own house
Woman on the phone this morning agreed as did the guy at the Montpelier store. Phone gal said something was wrong with my simm card and to go to nearest store for a free new one. Young guy at store said it would by $5 because the manager quit yesterday and he doesn't have the code to enter. I tell him I'll pay five dollars for a fix. He gets to it and then tells me that my S8+ is no longer supported and he can't format the card. Meanwhile a half mile from my house I have service.
Just after he tells me no bueno the gal from ATT calls to see how it is going. I tell her the story and she talks to guy who gives her the simm code, I get my phone and she says she'll work it out on her end. 15 minutes later she asked to speak to guy, he hangs up and says "can't be done on her end".
He was nice and I thanked him and left. Assholes[att] are sending me a new "similar" phone in the next few weeks according to an email I got the other day as they are ending 3g service. As soon as I get it I am switching to Verizon, tower 1200' away up the hill, and selling the new phone. So sick of the BS and crumby service at my house.
Speaking of service, now over 48 hrs without after ten years of 1-2 bars.
I got the same email from AT&T, but they replaced my 7 year old flip phone with a galaxy 10, for free. It's pink, but who cares! So maybe try that new phone before you switch, you'll probably get better coverage on 4G/5G network anyway.
Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
I bought a new iPhone and 3G is not an option. It's super annoying, 3G works great for emails when you have shit reception and can't even open an email in 4G.
I'm guessing you aren't even remotely near 4g and 5g service Vt Freeheel
Managers who come into the shop and turn all the heaters on because they’re cold. It was a perfect 60* degrees in here motherfucker.
Sent from my iPhone using TGR Forums
I used to work with a girl who was cold all the time. She brought a portable heater to work, and she'd close her office door and crank it. The thermostat was also in that same office, so it registered heat and would turn the a/c on high to bring the temp down, in all the adjacent offices. Took a while to figure out why the ac was constantly on. Just put on a fucking sweater!
I’m here in a short sleeved shirt and I can’t take anything off. Put on a fucking sweater.
The infloor radiant heating in this office is on the fritz (again) - boilers were already ancient second hand units when they built the space 30yrs ago I think. My desk is right where one of set of pipes comes into the floor - so I am usually cooking. But not at the moment - nice and comfy in a t-shirt with the office around 18C. Ladies are all bundled up with toques, scarves, sweaters and even full jackets (except the one mature dame in the throws of menopause).
Much rather the boliers down during fall than the AC during the heat dome (which it was).
My 94 yo FIL wants it a million degrees. So I am spending $$ running space heaters in his room and the bathroom. That way we can have a more civilized temperature in the rest of the house. And by civilized i mean that it's warm enough to cause ballsweat. His room is around 76-78 and even though I melt when I go in there, he still says he's cold and shivering. The latest heater even has a nice thermostat. But he won't leave it on the temp he wants. He's not happy unless there is hot air blowing on him at all times. And then he gets overheated and turns it off. Rinse, lather, repeat.
I don't know why but I hate that stupid Kars 4 Kids commercial. I generally change the station immediately but this morning I was in the middle of an exercise and couldn't get to the remote. I tried to drown it out by shrieking "NO! NOOOOO!" Didn't really work and still annoyed me.
Wire thieves suck. Day 6 and no phone service yet. Last week they used a truck to knock some poles down and cut the phone service wire. Maybe got 100.00, service provider is out maybe 50K and still not fixed. Heard that several schools were running late this morning nearby, same thing. Wouldn't get my sympathy if one of em gets lit up.