haha...that's literally what I thought and then I scrolled down and saw your post.
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True story. I had to replace the pool filter a few years ago. My buddy came over to help me pull the old one and put it in my truck to take to the dump. Wasn’t heavy, just awkward. Friend says I’ll just tip it towards me, you get your hands under and lift…..At the last second, I said let’s just tip the whole thing over, I’m not too keen on sticking my hands down there blind…. ( I was thinking snakes)….Tip it over, and there was a giant BW, web, nest, and around 25 mini BWs running around……I literally ran into the house screaming…..Wife loves to tell that story. Fuck Black Widows.
Vibes 3s.
Now I really don’t know what you’re referring to at all
Perhaps this has been discussed already, but WTF is the deal with these Disney obsessed adults.
Pseudo macho cliches annoy the ass off of me.
“Let’s do this!” Or “You got this!” Etc.
Fucking Home Depot and there ilk wants to convince you you’re as badass as Navy Seal if you “man up” and swap out a toilet seat.
Fuck no! She’s hot and badass!
I’ve been doing a lot of consecutive 12 hour shifts lately. Totally running on autopilot. Today I went in 3 hours early by mistake. I wanted to kick my own ass.
Colon electrolyte lavage
Yeah upper and lower GI procedures in the morning
I’m hungry
One morning my wife packed up our kids, got them into the car and told them they were going to the airport. When they got there told them they were all going to visit their uncle. When they got to socal their uncle told them they were all going to disneyland. When I told that story to someone at work they said "sounds like when my mom left my dad.".
So much of Disney is painfully bad, but Soul was pretty great, and Cars* is still outstanding.
* - The original. The sequels can fuck right off.
Year after year UPS price increases. No wonder Amazon has their own shipping. Now if these monster companies would just pay extra tax towards the road destruction and air pollution they are responsible for that would be great. Will not happen but I'll keep preaching it