Going out to eat now…with the lack of workers it’s now a minimum 90 min deal to get a burger and a beer and it all costs 20% more than it did 20 months ago.
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Going out to eat now…with the lack of workers it’s now a minimum 90 min deal to get a burger and a beer and it all costs 20% more than it did 20 months ago.
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Eating outside a restaurant in a separated off area of the parking lot. There's a car parked right next to us. Lady comes out of the restaurant, gets in the car, turns on the engine, and starts texting and otherwise playing with her phone. I gave her the evil eye. It worked. I should be used to it booting up on the back of my car next to assholes who need to leave the engine on for who knows what reason. But I'm not.
People who dilly-dally while finding their seat on a full airplane.
These are normally the people who also dilly-dally while exiting the plane. Which is infinitely worse.
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Back in the day--way back in the day--when a plane was getting in late they would ask people to wait until the folks with tight connections could get off. I even had them hold my connection for a short while so I could make it. I assume there were more people than just me that needed to make the flight and that was back when if you missed a connection or your connection was canceled they would put you on another airline so it cost them money. That was back when there were empty seats on airplanes. I've told all this to my kids but they just laugh and think I'm senile. Which I am, but it's still true.
I remember when people just started to just shrug it off and get up anyway and ignore that request. Merica!
They'll still GTFO of the way if you communicate. Done it. Once towards the front of the plane to make connection, the other time towards the back of the plane so my son could have a shit. Poor fella was groundhoggin' the entire landing but he made it. As you'd expect, the latter produced better results from the masses. "Excuse me - need to take a shit!" worked wonders. Maybe try that next time you got a tight connection?
Some crews still do this. At least on Delta when I witnessed that recently. The whole plane politely complied and allowed those people with tight connections to head to the front and be ready to bolt as soon as the door was opened. Solid flight attendants! Also cool was how we were delayed a bit in departing, so the pilots straight put the pedal to the metal to make up for lost time and we ended up on time. United's too cheap to splurge on the extra fuel burned, so those jerks are ALWAYS late. Haha.
I would think "Need to throw up" might work even better.
BTW, why do people who get to preboard because they need extra time to board get to deplane with everyone else? If you want to preboard you should be required to sit in the back and leave after everyone else is off.
Annoying as fuck...
When you are working in the basement, and it dawns on you that the dog is not where she normally is keepin your toes warm. So right when you begin to wonder where she is, you hear it... heauuughack! dog barf in the hallway. FACK!
Guess those TPS reports will have to wait a bit longer.
this still happens on flights from SLC into JH on Delta.
if a bunch of passengers are on delayed flights they will hold the plane.
this has saved me many times. maybe my luggage won’t make it, but nbd.
I’m guessing it also has to do with us having no connecting flights in Jackson so it’s not impacting more flights to wait a bit.
Seriously. Those guys are late. Every. Damn. Time. SO many missed connections. SO many unnecessary overnight stays in the layover cities. And they always try and screw you on accommodations when possible. Lately they've been giving Spirit a run for their money. Avoid at all costs. Delta's not perfect by any means, but they've definitely been "better" than the others for whatever that's worth. Still, they're just winner of the airline Special Olympics.
I really miss when I could get domestic flights on the good international carriers like Mexicana (RIP). Now THOSE guys were awesome to fly with. Always took them when routes allowed for it.
United breaks guitars.
Annoys me I couldn't get back to UK to see my 89 year old Dad have his flight in a Spitfire.
After a bunch of days that he was grounded due to weather and tech issues he got it yesterday.
My sister got to fly in formation with him for part of the time in a Texan (Harvard) trainer.
I can't imagine what it must mean to someone who grew up in London during the war watching these things in combat overhead. He'll probably take the grin to his grave.
That’s awesome (the flight, not that you can’t be there)
First time I went to JH was back in the 80's I think. They had just cranked up security because of hijackings. It was funny to see a bunch of security theater in SLC being done on the handful of passengers of our little plane, all of us in ski clothes. It didn't seem likely our flight would be a target.
But the strictest security I've ever seen in an airport was a few years ago flying from Cordova to Anchorage. 100% of passengers were Points North skiers.
My snowplow guy waits till winter to tell me that he is doubling the price per plow.
He gotchya by the short ‘n curlies, I reckon!