That was fun back in the day.
Today? With cameras everywhere? Ducking stupid
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We used to play hockey on the tile floor of the hallway in our dorm. With a puck. With slap shots. The walls didn't look too good at the end of the year.
Speaking of RA's--one of my friends was busted to the deans and his parents (but not the cops) for excessive dope use. Same RA that was selling him the dope. And my friend kept his mouth shut.
Power goes out at 10 last night on the whole north side of Donner Lake, exactly the same place it went out a month ago. I woke up in the middle of the night and drove over for peek. No one working on the lines. Came back on at 5am. The first place the lights were off was at a construction site--big new development and turning a 4 way stop into a roundabout but no one working when I drove by. What are the chances that they would shut the power to that area without warning the locals and then forget to turn it back on? Or do outages happen in the local grid that are taken care of by someone at a computer back at the office--I'm thinking Homer Simpson.
People who drive with their dog on their lap.
^^ Old Goat. Assuming you mean pot? These days dope=heron (or more likely fentanyl). That would be a very different situation.
We were young and naive. Dope meant pot to us. Remember they used to call marijuana users dope fiends, same thing they called heroin users. It was all evil. (Some of my friends got un-naive pretty quickly; others of them stuck to Indiana roadside hemp with no pharmaceutical properties--friends of mine harvested a trunk full of that stuff and tried to sell it. They never bothered to wonder why they never got busted. Shoulda got medals for road beautification for clearing the weeds.)
how much smaller can the airlines go really?
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my stupid ass got real tired at work around 8pm so i drank some coffee. then i got tired again around midnight so i drank some more coffee. now here i am at 5:34 about to go get some breakfast.
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^^ oh my… when a photo tells a story…
It's also annoying when you're working in the shop or painting or something and you get a stain on your work clothes that looks like you shat or pissed yourself. Or you go to the bathroom and when you're washing your hands you splash the front of your pants and have to go out among a lot of people.
Yellow Jackets. They build their stupid nests in the ground and for some reason I keep stepping on them. 4 nests in under two weeks. They stung me a dozen times at least in that time. Wherever they sting stays swelled up for 3 or 4 days and itches like crazy.
Watch this for the epic solution to all your woes:
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Yellow jackets aren't your average friendly neighborhood pollinator.
Save the bees.
Fuck yellow jackets.
Neighbor came over the other day to apologize for his brief foray into the life of a nudist.
Turns out when he was mowing his pasture he ran over a ground nest of hornets which proceeded to swarm him and fly up his overalls.