So far from heaven, so close to Texas.
- Manuel Armijo, New Mexico governor ca. 1841
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There's a reason those yellow NM plates are referred to as "warning plates".
Mild annoyance: when did "Welcome in" become the standard greeting in every public establishment (store, coffee shop, etc)? Seems like just recently every employee now uses this greeting, and it just sounds weird.
Calling people "My Dude". where did that come from? Seems like a new saying and it kinda bugs me.
I’m not you’re guy, pal
I think TRGz had a mini rant on ‘welcome in’ about 2 months ago that covered it pretty thoroughly. I’m too lazy to search for it.
My Dude has been pretty common the last ten years or so in movies internets etc IME but a quick search says it started 20 yrs ago.
Hope that helps, my dude.
My man, the wat Denzel Washington says it.
Shit that annoys...
... 4th grader practicing "Hot Crossed Buns" on the recorder...
Oh look, another weekend dump incoming...
(I'll take it, yes, always, but come on man...)
Oh look, it hasn't snowed in weeks and there's nothing but high pressure in the forecast.
Same over here. Blue sky, temperature inversions, and crust.
I'm annoyed that I have a raging chest cold and sore throat. Even more annoying is that I don't get out much, so the opportunities to catch the cold were few and far between. Plus I was hoping to get a haircut soon without infecting the barber.
I laughed
Went to 4 stores trying to find tarragon today. No luck.
I blame the Whitehouse.
That sounds like a bird. I blame bird flu. Which is also the White House’s fault
5th grocery store today...... no fresh tarragon. WTF?
I've got a craving for halibut with fennel and tarragon. Fresh tarragon really makes the dish.
I can't stand "Welcome In", and it's not just because I'm old and grumpy.
While fresh herbs are almost always preferred, tarragon, as with thyme, rosemary, oregano (Greek AND Mexican…there’s a difference), and others, are ok dried. Don’t get me started on dry basil and parsley
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Human feces with TP in the resort parking lot. Worse than dog poop in the skin track?