It's got 17 pockets and is guaranteed to stand up to a 5 minute light rain!!!!
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So I saw this board advertised under Black Friday deals with free shipping and said fuck ya, BUY. In the cart I see $675 for shipping :eek:
I call them and they tell me the free shipping is within 25 miles of the store in FL.
I say your ad doesn't say that. Guy is saying they would lose money covering the shipping and I told him another shop in FL quotes $200 for shipping so take that out of the ad placers Christmas Bonus and honor the deal.
He says we're done and hangs up. What a cunt.
Attachment 505726
Anybody ever have a Marker or any binding “explode” in their face?
-At shop on Saturday….was taking a customers Marker Squires off a trashed Line park ski and was mounting them on to a new pair of Volkls….common at our shop/have done many times…
While finishing up the 2nd ski, and getting the heel ready to slide onto the Marker track…..I was adjusting the heel screw to be able to catch the track, and all of a sudden…the spring/metal pieces exploded into my face and right eye….
Lost vision for about 5 minutes/ then very hazy vision/ hurt like hell….so I texted my eye doctor,…..he came to shop/ and got me to his office to examine the damage. He got me 3 prescriptions that have really helped a lot….and yesterday I had a laser procedure at WillsEye Retina to repair tear in my retina. I’ve been home bound the past 4 days/ sucks I’m blowing through sick days at my regular job….
Vision is coming back to normal/ just still “hurts” from the impact/trauma to the eye. Both doctors feel confident it will heal in time.
Many thanks to my doctor (a skier) for really helping me out…gonna get him some lift tickets for him/family to use this winter.
Have installed hundreds of Markers…but this was a first….anybody ever heard/witnessed a binding exploding like this??
Yes, I will be wearing safety glasses from here on out…installs and/or tunes.
^wtf! Sorry man! That is so scary. And no, never heard of that ever happening in my ski tech days. Seems to me that Marker needs to give some compensation on this one. Not sure how that works, but worth looking into maybe.
Yeah, that sucks!
Binding was still indemnified?
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Haven’t thought about it/ cuz by the way the skis were “park trashed” I figured it was cuz the binding must of been compromised by the customer/skier?Quote:
Originally Posted by jackstraw;[emoji[emoji6[emoji640
We have a really good local MDV rep/might be worth a call/email to him? Thanks.
Sabotage! someone has clearly put a hit out on ya…. sorry dude.
Yes, it was a recent Marker Squire (22-23/23-24)Quote:
Originally Posted by toast[emoji638
They must of not liked the music I was blasting in the back shop that day….lol.Quote:
Originally Posted by m[emoji638
Worth a report to the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Better hurry though.
The shop and whatever your equivalent to disability/workman’s comp/L and I should be paying your bills for this BC.
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Neighbors putting in a side entrance to their basement and plan on renting it out to randoms. Will mean more cars parking in front of my house and just generally a more trashy street experience. I can tell the type of people who will be renting this shithole because of the quality and attitude of the people hired to construct it.
Time to move, again.
Thanks guys/ trying to figure it all out…I do already have really good coverage with my regular full time employer….so not sure how it all works with a side gig/part time ski tech job accident.
Talked with our MDV rep/ detailed the incident…not much they can do/ cuz the customer most likely had damaged the binding on the previous skis.
6 days out/ getting better each day…pain/swelling almost all gone. Vision still a little “off”/ blurry….especially outside/light bothersome….
Back to work/appointment Tuesday afternoon…..follow up with Retina doc the following Monday.
Just want to ski…..
my usps package that has gone back and forth between two distribution centers for the last month.
This has nothing to do with your regular employer-provided personal health insurance. Your side gig still has to carry workers comp insurance. This was a work related injury so you should be paying *nothing* out of pocket and your personal insurance should not be involved at all.
You are also entitled to wage compensation if your injury prevents you from working at your regular job. This is a very serious injury. You need to file a workers comp claim ASAP.
I'll fourth it to say there could be some hidden damage or damage not showing yet, so I'd make sure you're work-comped up and then go see the best opthalmologist you can.