4? I see 2 near the top of the Padded Room. Or by "sub" forum do you mean something else?
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4? I see 2 near the top of the Padded Room. Or by "sub" forum do you mean something else?
I popped open the browser on my phone which doesn't refresh automatically and it was IRRC, Trump Shooting, Baldwin Shooting, If Only There Was Something We Can Do, and I think Guns. Got bummed out and posted here. I see its different now, but man I'm sick of hearing about people getting shot.
Don't forget Baldwin!
Shooting topics are hard to avoid in our gun saturated society.
And just because whites are in season, don't think we have to take you seriously.
I’ve spent the last 3 years running a project on an existing hospital campus… the facility is very particular on where we should park… rightfully so… Nothing annoying about that…
but what’s annoying is the the conversations I have daily with my subcontractors - not about parking where we should - but just don’t park in stupid spots please…
I’ve had these three conversations this week:
“I need you to move your car. You’re in the emergency department drop off”
“It’s a 30min, I’ll only be 20min”
“No, let’s save those spots for people having a medical emergency. Move your car.”
“You’re parked in one of the “Delivery Room Expecting Mothers” parking spots - are you in labor?”
“This is the loading dock for the hospital. Move your car please.”
“I need to park close. I might need to be able to run back to the car and get a part or a tool”
“So… your convenience is more important than this hospital receiving deliveries? Move your car.”
Sent from my iPhone using TGR Forums
lol. That’s next-level sense of entitlementQuote:
“You’re parked in one of the “Delivery Room Expecting Mothers” parking spots - are you in labor?”
Denver Post annoys me.
I signed up a couple of weeks ago because of a great sign up special. Then the cascade of emails started. Each one, "unsubscribe". Takes me to a page where I can unsubscribe from that email list. Then I poke around and find a place to unsubscribe from more, and I do, everything. But still, the emails keep coming. They seem to have a million different lists, most of which are not accessible from your "my account" page, and they keep sending me emails even though I unsubscribe from them all.
Do any of them say in small print that it takes xx days to process unsubscription? If so, you may be resetting the clock if you try the same list more than once within that period. I've run into this. It is annoying. It is tom-fuckery of a high order. Should probably complain to some consumer complaints office in your home state. Which is also annoying.
Booked plane tickets for Thanksgiving with United. I completed the process through their website. Kept getting an error message to try purchasing later because of technical difficulty. So I tried throughout the day, it finally worked on the 4th try. And now 5 hours later I have 4 separate confirmation numbers that show I booked the same flights 4 times in a row for a family of 5. Now I've been on hold with these fuckers for an hour. My total bill for all this shit currently sits at $24k. Yes that right fellas, I'm flying the family coach for $24k, to visit fucking Dayton Ohio. First time I've traveled for Thanksgiving in a decade and the last time I will be traveling for Thanksgiving EVER!
The worldwide computer meltdown may have had something to do with it.
Isn't there a good air force museum in Dayton?
My internet plan is 300 mbps down. I typically get 50ish. I heard about a program California is running to upgrade internet to underserved areas. Where the money goes depends on the speeds the providers report but you can challenge the reported speeds by submitting speed test results to the PUC. The providers don't like that because the state money doesn't go to them, it goes to startups. So I take the survey the PUC requires--who's your provider, WIFI or ethernet, etc.--and do the first of three required speed tests and get 40 down. I go back to do the second test the next day--300, and it's been 300 since. Coincidence? I think not.
I need to try that. For some reason living in middle of SD, my internet speeds are often crap. But at the same time whenever I run a speed test I get 300-400 mbps. Anything video related (zoom, youtube, streaming) often gets choppy and hangs up. When that happens I'll get a pop up from Cox internet saying "want to know why you're connection is experiencing difficulty?" and if you click on it all you get is a graph of typical traffic loads on their network.
But it doesn't matter how fast my internet speed is--TGR is like having dial up. On a good day.
But so worth it!
Believe it or not when you do an ookla speed test the provider gives you priority bandwidth
Just went to a meeting with a prospect and he was visably sick. Humans as so disgusting.
Maybe. I’ve experienced lagging internet (non trg) and after a speed test other sites are blazing fast. For a while.
While we’re on bandwidth. Anyone else pissed off about 5G?
4G was enough. Now with 5g my calls drop out everywhere. Even sitting in the same place.