People that think we can just put any music in a video and it will be OK. No, we can't use the Beatles. You have no budget and the license fees would be insane for this.
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People that think we can just put any music in a video and it will be OK. No, we can't use the Beatles. You have no budget and the license fees would be insane for this.
pharmaceutical company ads....what the fuck is up with all of them recently?
Really Pseudo Bulbar Affect? Now there's something to treat another made up disease? The word pseudo already means it's somewhat made up.
People uncomfortable with silence.
Pseudo Bulbar Effect? I have not seen that ad. wtf is that?
Ever laugh at inappropriate times? All the time...I have a demented personality.
The ever popular response "I'm just doing my job".
Some folks job description is professional asshole. That blows.
Pseudobulbar affect (PBA), emotional lability, labile affect or emotional incontinence refers to a neurologic disorder characterized by involuntary crying or uncontrollable episodes of crying and/or laughing, or other emotional displays.[1] PBA occurs secondary to neurologic disease or brain injury. Patients may find themselves crying uncontrollably at something that is only moderately sad, being unable to stop themselves for several minutes. Episodes may also be mood-incongruent: a patient might laugh uncontrollably when angry or frustrated, for example.
Huh… It's like being a woman.
Douche bag parents (assistant coaches) that take their first certification class for coaching and then know 8000 ways I need to change things.
Same guys that stand around and just watch drills instead of doing any kind of actual coaching. Fuck your faces you fucking losers.
When I pay a chick to choke me with my own belt and she barely applies any pressure at all.
When I tell you I cannot get an erection unless I am panicked and seeing stars against an exploding black curtain, this doesn't mean I want you to lose your nerve when you see tears in my eyes and the beds of my fingernails turning blue. We are still a loonnnggg way from the finish line at that point. Read Timothy 2:11, whore!! You took my money, now finsh the job!
I know this is a common problem for most of us but that doesn't mean it's not annoying.
JoeStrummer, ladies and gentlemen.
People aka Glu-tards who do the Gluten free trend because it sounds trendy. It makes me not know who has really has the gluten allergy & who are just trendy douches.
Corporations selling me 3/4 of the unit they used to sell me for the same price like I'm not going to notice. For instance, ice cream. Fuck you fucks.
people that reek like cigarettes in the gym
the amount of packaging that the shit my wife buys has. (after school one of the kids regularly has a bag of chips, a single serving of mandarin oranges, a juice box, WTF, grab an apple and a glass of milk)
the kids using water bottles at home rather than refilling nalgenes or using a glass (we have awesome tap water- this one fries my ass)
the amount of electricity, water, and resources that are wasted in our home. shame on us.
The waste here in TN is appalling. Add a styrofoam to-go box and 50 napkins per person to that for each person, for each meal. My parents live out here, and there's not one week that their huge garbage bins are filled to the brim. They leave a light on in their linen closet 24 hrs /day. They use their recycle bin as just another trash can. My step-mom leaves the heater on set at 76* while she smokes in her room with the window wide open when it's 30* out. She also drinks 4-6 red bulls /day and at least a pack of Djarum Blacks.
Also, my apartment complex doesn't recycle at all.
For the wasters.
As long as we're on napkins: paper napkins in "nice"/expensive restaurants.
Trees grow back, but the time I just wasted on that is gone forever.