Electric stove coils were great for sealing the cut ends of nylon webbing, before they invented premade quick draws. As for as cooking, they sucked.
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Electric stove coils were great for sealing the cut ends of nylon webbing, before they invented premade quick draws. As for as cooking, they sucked.
Sock sizing, if you wear a size 11.5 shoe, a sock advertised as fitting a range of sizes from 6-12 is not going to be a comfy fit so sizing up is the best bet. Shouldn’t the sizes just be advertised accordingly to “best fit” instead of a overlapping size ranges?
Sure but then your only options would be a size 9 sock and a size 15 sock.
Sticking with clothing sizes, seems like a lot of T-shirts are all made for the same skinny crack heads and the only difference in size is how long they are. Buy a large thinking there will be a little more room in the chest and it will be tight like a bodysuit.
Nepalese temple ball with the little arrow imprint, afghani black with Mazar-i-sharif printed in gold, Lebanese red or blond with the smiling couple color print, Moroccan kif and that green hard shit from India.
All the good stuff from 1969-1975 when it seemed to be replaced by Thai stick about 76 and later Oregon/Cali bud.
Did so many hot knives bitd, started with hash, but when it was scarce later, volatile stinky bud worked just as well. Saw many, many wasters crumple to the floor.
I support whatever party makes texting political ads and solicitations illegal. Even Robert F(ucking)Kennedy Jr. Even Jill Stein.
thats's bread and butter... when did you last voluntarily give up bread and butter?
Why don’t phones and tablets have a ‘bottom of page’ shortcut, they way that every one of them has a ‘top of page’ shortcut?
Do we use the bottom of our screen too much for other purposes?
Is there an IPhone hack?
My buddy from Riverton was living in driggs for quite some time. He was "housesitting" for his uncle who was doing a stretch for trafficking hash. He used to make runs to California and bring it back. Had been doing it for quite awhile and the only time he got pulled over was right when he was a couple blocks from his house. This was also back when Driggs police force were an outstanding good ol boys network of local Mormon rapists and generally upstanding citizens..... jfc.
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Suppliers who can't live up to their job title. Fucking bastards!
In I guess '82 there was a drought in the NE. I was home from school and met my friend Mike in Boston, it was quite a night, but there was no weed in sight. None anywhere. Pitchers of Kamikazes, though. Mike decided to drive his ass back to the 'burbs, got lost and realized he was too hammered to figure it out, so he pulled the car over and went to sleep.
He wakes up with a State Trooper knocking on the window. Trooper rousts Mike out of the car. Mike's apparently fine by this time, I have no idea how long he was asleep but he passed all the tests. But the Trooper searches the car, finds a couple of bongs, multiple pipes, papers, etc. What-have-you. He's lining this stuff up on the roof of the car as he finds it. All of it has been scraped as clean as humanly possible because of the drought.
Trooper says, "Michael if there's one flake of weed in this car you're going to jail." Well there wasn't because drought. So he'd passed the sobriety stuff and he had no weed. Finally the Trooper gives up. climbs out the car and says, "Michael, pack up your portable head shop and get out of my sight."
That line has amused me for years. The drought was annoying, though.
Fucking classic.
My bank rolled out a new app. Ok, great. It doesn’t recognize any of my credentials, ok. Go through the two factor, etc. Fine.
Generate new password, save it to keychain, etc. Try to log back in, says my credentials are invalid.
Call customer service. They listen to my issue, ask verification info, etc, great. She says after about five qualifying questions, thanks Mr.Rideit, can you please log in and tell me the amount of three transactions on 8/25?
.you dumb piece of shit, are you on autopilot?
I have a similar story from when US Bank sold the REI credit card to Crapital One. I got an email link to download their app and/or access their online banking. Try to log in, and fail their challenge question of "enter your DOB"
So I call them to get it sorted out, and the rep asks "so what is your correct birthdate?" I tell her, and she says that's wrong. I say, you're wrong - that's why I called you! She says I have to prove it. I say sure, how? She says she doesn't know. OK, can you connect me to a person who can help me?
Supervisor comes on, I explain, (sound of typing) "uhmm, I can't override what's in the system." Can I send a scan of my driver's license? "Uhmm... I don't know how..." Me: ok fine - hang up.
I'm going through something similar with one of my dad's CCs after he died. They won't tell us if it's a business account, which I should be qualified to handle, or if it's a personal account which my mom should be able to deal with. As a result we don't know if it's accumulating interest or how to pay the debt. After several weeks and too many visits to the branch where the employees tried to help we're still in limbo.
Another card refused my payment because the account holder is dead. The week after I got confirmation about where/how to send them money.
Send them a death certificate. If it’s personal, they will most likely just close it and nix remaining debt. At least that was my experience w my dad
Wow. That's extra shitty. When we went through that with my grandfather, the banks were happy to take our money. The only one that wanted a death certificate was for a safe deposit box.
Sorry about losing your dad. I know what that's like.
We brought in, mailed, and I think faxed a copy. It doesn't seem like a deliberate issue, more like some box got checked to change a status before everything else was accounted for and now it's between paths for resolution. I'm not sure exactly the status but I've been busy dealing with other stuff. My mom's the lawyer, she's better at bureaucracy
Luckily there's not much in the business checking account! And no fighting in the family. My dad accumulated some cc debt to keep our business going during treatment that he thought he'd get through. But I have a plan to pay that off. I'm working on keeping it going to pay back myself and my mom instead of writing off money loaned to the business but it's possible our bus factor was 1. That's a future task though, I'm getting to a point where it no longer feels like I'm falling behind by more than a day per day.
My wife and I got up early this morning to start a painting project. We've got everything ready to go and just about ready to prime the sprayer and it starts raining...
They don't have weather forecasts where you live?