Massachusetts and New York with the best drivers on the scale? Lmfao
There is NO way that’s even remotely accurate.
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Massachusetts and New York with the best drivers on the scale? Lmfao
There is NO way that’s even remotely accurate.
The linked article has no paywall & explains in detail the scoring calculation. For example, 3% of the score is distracted driving due to cell ph usage.
What I found interesting was the data table. Stats varied more widely between states than you’d expect, perhaps due to collection & reporting differences.
So is it just me or does it seem more and more of the new vehicles made today with the new LED headlights and having both the beam on at all times? Used to be low beam outside and high beams were turned on toward the inside. If I see either both beams on (4 lights) then that to me means they have their high beams on? Or is the new standard just blinding LED lights and the high beams are some other position and all 4 of the headlights lit up in some other manner or they just don't adjust the beams as easily? I used to flash my lights to indicate they seem to be driving with high beams on, but many either do not know what that is or flash me back??
People that think snow pits are the golden ticket for safe backcountry travel and judge more experienced back country snow sliders for not digging them.
It's like, tell me you're inexperienced without actually telling me you're inexperienced.
Don't get me wrong, snow pits are fine way to get a look at things, especially in new areas that may not have their own forecast but it's rarely a go to for regular back country ski tourers while traveling in their home turf.
MA and NJ drivers are products of their environment. I find NJ drivers to be really courteous once they leave NJ. MA on the other hand....hammer down. I grew up driving in southern NH and north east MA and they were always crazy. I was on a foundation drilling project a few months ago right off I-90 at the old Yawkey T stop. I was amazed at the number of drivers NOT cutting me off and giving me the finger. It seemed so normal back in the 80s-90s. I was shocked at the generational difference in drivers and the courtesy. NJ on the other hand. The Parkway has its vibe and the NJTP has its vibe. Each is different depending on the day of the week. I find the Parkway to be more aggressive and things tend to mellow out on the Turnpike. South on the NJTP is all good then you get off at TP south exit 11 to the Parkway. Get on the Parkway and the shit hits the fan as far as asshole drivers. We used to cross the Raritan River, crack a cold one, and get into the far right lane and just cruise.
facts is facts…
I think MA and NY drivers are great. They're entirely predictable, and they don't fuck around. Everyone goes 20 over the speed limit, and if you show any sign of weakness, someone will exploit it and flip you off in the process. Everything is more efficient when every car on the road drives as aggressively as possible.
As opposed to Idaho or NM, where people drive erratically and unpredictably while also going incredibly slow. Even if you somehow manage to not get in an accident, you're inevitably going to be an hour late because you were stuck behind some idiot dawdling along at 25 in a 70 who eventually abruptly turns left without signaling (or maybe they did signal, but the bulb has been burned out since '98).
What annoys me... just got my insurance renewal for both auto and home. Both are up about 40% for the second year in a row to around $4300 combined.
I hear you. My wife and I have never had a vehicle accident nor a claim and our rates always go up. Thankfully my wife (retired) has the time to fuck around and always find a better rate. It's like most charges, the longer you are with them the more you will pay. Satellite radio is good example. I have to cancel my program and renew every two years or they keep jacking up the rate.
Yeah that sucks.
Increasingly online shopping prices are fungible as they use AI to guess how much you’d pay. Fuckers.
I've tried that. It was either last year or the year before I went and sat down with an insurance broker, showed him my renewal and he shopped around for rates based on similar coverage. It turned out my existing carrier was cheapest. Might have been able to go a bit cheaper on auto with another company but then I would have lost the multiple policy discount which would have negated the savings. Might have to go sit down with him again. I might have to reduce coverage to get the rates down, but that usually provides diminishing returns.
Well look on the bright side, at least you don’t live in New Mexico ;)
There's a reason those yellow NM plates are referred to as "warning plates".
Mild annoyance: when did "Welcome in" become the standard greeting in every public establishment (store, coffee shop, etc)? Seems like just recently every employee now uses this greeting, and it just sounds weird.
Calling people "My Dude". where did that come from? Seems like a new saying and it kinda bugs me.
I’m not you’re guy, pal
I think TRGz had a mini rant on ‘welcome in’ about 2 months ago that covered it pretty thoroughly. I’m too lazy to search for it.
My Dude has been pretty common the last ten years or so in movies internets etc IME but a quick search says it started 20 yrs ago.
Hope that helps, my dude.
My man, the wat Denzel Washington says it.
Shit that annoys...
... 4th grader practicing "Hot Crossed Buns" on the recorder...
Oh look, another weekend dump incoming...
(I'll take it, yes, always, but come on man...)
Oh look, it hasn't snowed in weeks and there's nothing but high pressure in the forecast.
Same over here. Blue sky, temperature inversions, and crust.
I'm annoyed that I have a raging chest cold and sore throat. Even more annoying is that I don't get out much, so the opportunities to catch the cold were few and far between. Plus I was hoping to get a haircut soon without infecting the barber.
I laughed
Went to 4 stores trying to find tarragon today. No luck.
I blame the Whitehouse.
That sounds like a bird. I blame bird flu. Which is also the White House’s fault
5th grocery store today...... no fresh tarragon. WTF?
I've got a craving for halibut with fennel and tarragon. Fresh tarragon really makes the dish.
I can't stand "Welcome In", and it's not just because I'm old and grumpy.
While fresh herbs are almost always preferred, tarragon, as with thyme, rosemary, oregano (Greek AND Mexican…there’s a difference), and others, are ok dried. Don’t get me started on dry basil and parsley
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Human feces with TP in the resort parking lot. Worse than dog poop in the skin track?