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  1. View Conversation
    I am in the market for the following:

    190 DPS 112's - Pure
    191 Lhasas
    27.5 FT Seths or 27.5 Dyna Titans

    Obviously with the first two up on my list I'd have to put out a little extra cash, but that's not a problem. I'm open to other offers as well..
  2. View Conversation
    obviously, the steerer with be full size when it come back from Rock Shox.

  3. View Conversation
    yup... you interested?>
  4. Yep, We are in the middle of loosing our business, and soon our home. So I'm trying to bail out the business end and sell everything we have just gotten to close the business with as little bills as possible. Just found where I had notifications, didn't know this existed. And was attacked most of the day by ass holes here on this site. Man you would think everyone has been hit by this recession and would like a good deal. That's why I put my phone number up, not to have someone try and run a background check on me. If there is anything you would like suddenly the second listing on gear swap I put up with photos is now there again, let me know. Cheers!
  5. The Donner Party is hands down one of the sickest skis for 2 foot + days.. . period. I skied them in 3-4 feet for a few days.. They are so much fun, they charge hard, surf, float, are lightweight, and are just about perfect... although... they are really hard to turn on really hard.
  6. Hows it goin my friend, I heard through the grape vine that you had gotten a couple of days on the Moment Donner Party in their ideal conditions. I was hopin you could shed some light on what you think of them.

    Much appreciated,

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Skiing, Surfing, Skateboarding, Mountain Biking, Hiking, Camping, Wakeboarding


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11-09-2010 09:16 AM
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08-05-2023 04:43 PM
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