You one of Charlie’s Pro Reps? I’m the Blizzard sales Guy in Intermountain.
Yo!! I have beef with you!! Ever since you posted that stupid "combination pizza hut and taco bell" song in some thread... I can't freaking get it out of my head when I drive by one of those things. It is a freaking virus, and YOU my friend are the host. antibody? Please?
Spence, here's some (small) Colorado powder for ya. Don't blame me for the extreme camera angle, my cousin was supposed to make sure it didn't go off-axis. Art
Hey Spenc, Got your lovely Jane Austin postcard - LOVED it. Thanks for dropping a line. We are good. Was thinking of you the other day while I was rocking my Queen longsleeve T. We were up at Mammoth the last two weekends, Murph got some good runs in, some backcountry and I bundled up the buddy in the Baby Bjorn and did some nerd groomers on the XC course. Hope your travels are leaving you tranquil and fulfilled. Faye & Murphx2
ah...didn't make it to WA or Whist...just to know who is requesting my "friendship" online and all.
I don't think we've ever formally met, I'm not one for big groups. Perhaps in passing? Tahoe/WA or Whistler were about it for me this year.
likes dags
who guards the guardians?
got a sonic reducer
Yes, they ARE waterskis.
A Bit Of A Weirdo...
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