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15 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    Look at Lance trailers. We have one. Friends had an AS, sold it after the first weekend and bought a Lance. The curved walls in AS reduce storage capacity IMO. Dual axle is the way to go. Towing, backing, untimely blow-outs, etc. much easier to handle w 4 tires vs 2. And Lance's are WAAAAY lighter than AS.
  2. View Conversation
    I just talked to the boss (mrs V) and she says the 3rd would be better.
  3. Perfect! Lets shoot for the 3rd or 4th!
  4. View Conversation
    I fly in on saturday 7/31, I could be available on Monday 8/2 - Friday 8/7. I fly back out on 8/8.
  5. I havent been out for a few weeks, but the big bugs have really been taking off lately. WE caught well over 20 on big hoppers and pmd's last time out. WE should have areally good trip. I am thinking we can head out on a weekday and avoud the crowds, remind me of the dates again and i will narrow it to one or two dates...
  6. View Conversation
    I'l be bringing my 5/6 + large arbor reel and a good selection of flies, hoopers, beetles and a streamer or two. I really should not need much gear at all I was just wondering if there was anything I needed to get for the type of fishing we'd be doing that I don't already have. But it sounds like I have most everything.

    How's the fishing been out there lately?
  7. I have pretty much everything we should need, I would say probably bring a rod and reel, You can use mine but I am left handed so it drives most people crazy! I like a 5 weight for this time of year, we will probably being throwing big bugs hoppers, beatles, etc with a dropper, I like 4x and 5x leaders...
  8. View Conversation
    sweet. anything special gear or rigging that I should have such as indicators for nymphing? I typically don't use one here but I'm not drifting either. How about leaders 4x..5x...3x?
  9. its looking good! I am sure we can find a day to get out there!
  10. View Conversation
    teleee how's your schedule looking in 2 weeks?
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