Jer, you're a loser and a wank but sometimes you got good rhythm for a white boy
why don't you come up with a new line other than "full-blown aids"? JerBendsOverFor$1
Hey attention whore, get enough people to pay attention to ya yet?
If you really think about it, life is pretty absurd. I respond to this absurdity by being absurd. That's the really deep meaning behind Jer. Hey - it beats crying and getting all butthurt about it. Now stop stalking me. Here's a photo of Björk Guðmundsdóttir:
Welcome back to the Padded Room and PolAss my friend!!! Whooo Hooo... Jer in da house.
Dude you make quite good peanut butter bars
Hey dude, thought I'd drop by and say hi.
You fucking suck, loser. I hope you get Full-Blown AIDS.
Hello, Please go fuck yourself. Pray we never meet. Thanks.
So sensitive. Really - your emo side is unbecoming.
Schralper Extraordinaire
Professional Stunt Cock
# Fourty-Fo Bitches!
likes dags
Dexterous as Fuck (tm)
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1 + 1 = 3
ess my dee liason
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