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  1. View Conversation
    Wrist is still rehabbing... Can't do anything quite yet. If you come down to the city, let me know. We can go shooting on the shore if you want to ride, or just grab a beer.
  2. View Conversation
    Rock on StunyCok! Summers almost over.
  3. View Conversation
    Do you mean the 20th - 29th of June? I can hit Whistler either June 27 or June 28th to ride and have some beers. We'll talk as time approaches. See you then!
  4. View Conversation
    When will you be in Whistler again for your camp?
  5. View Conversation
    Hey punk, where you been, how is job hunt going? haha
  6. View Conversation
    Cool! I just got in to Vancouver yesterday and on TGR again after a long absence. We are heading up to Whistler this afternoon and plane to ski the next 4 days. I have to be mellow since it's my first time on skis since the knee recon, but we should definitely meet up. I think I still have your number.
  7. View Conversation
    Sweet, let me know what you're up to. My cell number is on my contact info page.
  8. View Conversation
    Drop a line. I'm still out for a few days recovering from an injury, but expect to be back on skis as of Monday (though not killing it). It's springtime here.
  9. THIS is a visitor message. A post that prolly should have, and was meant to, have been sent as a private message. Basically, it is a confusing gizmo.
  10. View Conversation
    Hey Jeff, As k.p. said, it won't be the same Whistler you remember from last March. That said, the previous couple of storms have made a huge difference. I'm almost thinking that I can safely buy a new pair of sticks now, as this season has officially turned my PEs into rock skis. Give me a shout if you come up. Still have my number? Might have a couch for ya, if needed.
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About StuntCok

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Date of Birth
August 15, 1975 (49)
About StuntCok
Tokyo, Japan
Skiing, Mountain Biking
Johnny Cash
Best moment in Life:
2 fashion models, limo to Whistler, pres. suit at Westin, new years 2005


Days on snow this season: 54 Last Season: 83


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07-03-2010 07:07 PM
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01-07-2024 10:20 PM
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    inhaling coldsomke....

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    Waiting for snow.

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