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  1. View Conversation
    thank you, really.
  2. View Conversation
    After reading the sticky in the gearswap thread about leaving feedback, I began thinking about my former transactions and when it occurred to me that I had recently a great transaction from you, I was going to leave feedback here. Then, I realized that if anyone knows anything on this board, they could see that you are one of the coolest, most established people here. I can't wait to ski with you and the gang this year.
  3. View Conversation
    So are you officially moved out of ze cube? When is the last day?
  4. View Conversation
    i'll be more than that girly
  5. View Conversation

    Hang in there. When Geets was pulling her hair out over her PhD, i did what I could for her but reminded her that if it was easy, it wouldn't be worth having.

  6. hey, were you in Lone Pine a week ago? Saw someone with a snow sprite license plate.

    i lurk lots, post little here, but your post deserves a response. I went to grad school twice, spent ten years teaching, loved it . . . and now live in the mountains, at ten thousand feet, come to town when i need to (seldom), build cool things with my hands, use burros to move stuff around, and spend lots of time in the far back country.

    In short, nothing's permanent, everything changes, knowing things is an end in itself, not a means to something that will inevitably prove ephemeral, but the best values remain: blue skies, green grass, silence, flowing water and powder snow.

    PS: if that was you I saw, you almost hit the pedestrian at the stop light in Lone Pine. Better luck next time.

    pps: if that wasn't you, someone has your name on thier license plate

  7. View Conversation
    You can do it. I know what you are going through (or is it thru or threw). What grade level are you working on? I might have plans for first and fifth. My first 3 years of teaching was first grade and last year I moved to fifth. Remember, when it is from a teacher to a teacher, it is called resourcing.
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May 30, 1965 (59)
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"I call it reveling in natures finest element. Water in its pristine form. Straight from the heavens. We bathe in it, rejoicing in the fullest." --BZ


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