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  2. "...assorted online persona..."

    dig it. as to the optimism/success ratio, it wouldn't be optimism if the success were in greater quantity now, would it?
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    Redefining self, friends, and day job, along with the the luggage of assorted online personae.

    I can report great optimism but scant success.
  4. comprex, dude, what's happening?
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  6. telestoner has a cracked crystal ball and a broken Ouija board, and he's pissed off about it, and determined to blame it all on me.

    and he's failing at it.
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    oh yeah, and since i'm so retarded, maybe you could explain what lee meant by calling you a hack. maybe it means something different in your little world? I must be missing something here...
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    uncle hack. Let me guess about you: you are a bike-shop lifer who hates his life, a touch mentally ill, and a wanna-be child molester who is scared a little boy will laugh at how small his dick is.
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    hey blowhard - whats up with Lee calling you out as a hack?
  10. As I said, you're amusing. Distortions are amusing. Lies are amusing.

    But they're not amusing in the way YOU think they're amusing, which is ... oh, I don't know ... sad, maybe.

    I didn't challenge you on shit, loser. I said if you want to brag about what a badass you are, you should prove it in person. That's not a challenge. Only an insecure fucktard would think it's a challenge.

    You need a better brain. It's too bad you only get the one you got in the Genetic Lotto. I'm sorry for your loss.

    If Lee "called me out as a hack," well -- I'll let you and your crippled brain figure out what he was really saying there, junior. Meanwhile, keep bragging on riding tele gear. What are you, an EVST student? Sheesh.
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About uncle crud
ovah deyah
Skiing, Mountain Biking
2 wheels, 2 planks
writer, annoyer
Hugo Chavez
Best moment in Life:
when CSI got syndicated


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